je t'aime发音是什么?


🖐🏻🖐🏻🖐🏻首先我们来看下Je t'aime的大致意思

Je t'aime:词性为短语,Je t'aime是法语中表达"我爱你"的方式,由两部分组成:"Je"意为"我","t'aime"意为"爱你"。

通过下面的表格我们了解下Je t'aime的含义、发音和用法


🚀🚀🚀Je t'aime:

He said Je t'aime to her.

(他对她说Je t'aime。)

When you truly love someone, tell them Je t'aime.

(当你真心爱一个人时,告诉他Je t'aime。)

Express your feelings with Je t'aime in romantic moments.

(在浪漫的时刻,用Je t'aime来表达你的感情。)

She said Je t'aime to him in French.

(她用法语对他说Je t'aime。)

Je t'aime is one of the most common expressions in French.

(Je t'aime是法语中最常用的表达方式之一。)

Many people use Je t'aime to express their love.

(许多人使用Je t'aime来表达他们的爱。)
