



The creation of terracotta warriors and horses is basically based on real life, with delicate and lively techniques. Each terracotta has a different look and dress. There are many kinds of hair styles, gestures and facial expressions.


From their costumes, expressions and gestures, we can judge whether they are officers or soldiers, infantry or cavalry. Generally speaking, all the faces of the Qin figurines show the unique dignity and calm of the Qin people, with distinct personality and strong characteristics of the times.


The terracotta warriors and horses sculpture adopts the method of painting and sculpture. Although it has a long history, when it was just excavated, the colors of the faces and clothes of the figures can still be seen. In terms of technique, it pays attention to vividness, ingenious composition, flexible technique, authenticity and decoration.


第1个回答  2016-12-27
兵马俑英文简介The terra-cotta warriors museum is China's largest ancient military museum. In 1961, the state council of the People's Republic of China will be emperor qinshihuang as the national cultural relic protection unit. For the first emperor qin shihuang cemetery thorough archeological investigation begins. In 1962, the archeologists were plotted cemetery, the first piece of plane layout diagram, via detecting, cemetery ranges 56.25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to nearly 78 palace, cause the archaeology sensation. In 1987, the emperor qinshihuang and Terra Cotta Warriors pit "by UNESCO world heritage list approved listed in the", and is known as "eighth wonder of the world" make the whole world, make amazing all Chinese proud!
第2个回答  2020-11-25