head for是什么意思


head for:前往;出发;取向于


We head for the golden temple in amritsar and are stunned by the scene at sunset.我们前往阿密萨(amritsar)的金色寺庙,被日落的美景所震撼。

In 2010 australian rams began selling for more than $ 100 a head for the first time in history as dwindling stocks sent mutton prices soaring.2010年,随着不断缩水的股市促使羊肉价格直线上升,澳大利亚公羊在历史上第一次卖到100美元一头。

Most visitors will head for the theme parks but it 's worth poking around the city too.大部分的游客会直接前往主题公园,但是奥兰多城区还是很值得一逛的。

I head for the back of the bus and peer through the window . There is no sign of my 13 year old.我朝巴士后部走去,并向车窗外张望,没有看见我13岁的儿子。

The ship leave the island and head for the mainland.那条船驶离该岛,向大陆开去。
