

Informal Titles in English英语(论坛)中的非正式称呼Casual or very close relationships require an informal form of address:当两人是非正式或非常亲密的关系时,就需要用到非正式称呼:�6�1First name (friends, students, children) 名(用于称呼朋友,学生,孩子)�6�1Miss/Mr + first name (sometimes used by dance or music teachers or childcare workers)Miss/Mr + 名(舞蹈老师、音乐老师或者托儿工作者有时会用)Titles of Affection表达爱意的称呼When addressing a child, a romantic partner, or a close friend or family member (usually younger) people often use these terms of endearment, also known as "pet names":当我们叫孩子、伴侣、亲密朋友或者家里人(通常指比较年轻的)时经常会用到下面这些表达爱意的措辞,也叫做pet names(昵称):�6�1Honey (child, romantic partner, or younger person) (用于叫孩子、伴侣或者比自己年轻的人)�6�1Dear�6�1Sweetie�6�1Love�6�1Darling�6�1Babe or Baby (romantic partner) (用于叫伴侣)�6�1Pal (father or grandfather calls male child) (父亲或祖父用来称呼男孩)�6�1Buddy or Bud (very informal between friends or adult-to-child; can be seen as negative)(朋友之间或者长辈对孩子的称呼,非常随意,可被认作有反面含义)补充:Occasionally you may have a close relationship with someone who typically gets called Sir, Madam, Mr or Mrs (for example, a business executive, a celebrity, a professor or a person older than yourself). At some point this person may give you permission to use his or her first name. In English we use the phrase "on a first name basis" or "on first name terms" to describe a relationship that is not as formal as it seems it should be. To describe this you would say, for example: "Pete's mom and I are on a first name basis" or "My teacher and I are on first name terms." 有时候你可能与某个人有着很亲密的关系,比如一个企业主管、一个名人、一教授或者比你自己年长的人。别人都称呼他/她为Sir/Madam, Mr/Mrs,而在某种程度上这个人可能会允许你直接叫他/她的名字。英语里我们就用"on a first name basis"或者"on first name terms"来表达这样一段并不像人们所以为的那么拘于礼节的关系。来看两个例句:Pete's mom and I are on a first name basis. 皮特的妈妈和我是直呼其名的好朋友。