



- 问候:Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening! I'm Casey King. Are you Peter Smith? Yes/No? How are you? I'm fine, thanks. And you? I'm doing well too. How's Amy/husband/wife? She's doing well, thank you. Good night, Jane. Goodbye, Mike. See you tomorrow. See you later. I have to leave now.


- 课堂用语:Can I come in? Come in, please. Take a seat. It's class time. Open page 20. Before roll call. Present! Did you bring all the materials? Are there any objections? Did you follow along? Was it clear? Can I repeat that? Any questions? That's all for today. Please hand in your paper before leaving.


- 物品:What's this? It's a pen. Is this yours? Yes, it's mine. Where's my glasses? They're on the table. Is this your pen? No, mine is blue. Which bag is yours? The larger one on the right. Are these all yours? Only partly.

- 人物身份:Who are you? I'm Jim. Who's that person over there? That's Bob. What do you do? Farmer/Manager. Is she a model? I'm not sure.


- 介绍:What's your name? I'm Tomasz. The lady in white, who's she? Let me introduce... This is my friend, Tom. Nice to meet you.


- 时间与日期:What day is it? It's Monday. What's the date? Today is January 15th, 1999. What month is it? It's December. Which year is it? 1999. Weekend plans? This store opens at 9am weekdays, 8am on weekends.


- 询问与回答:What are you doing? I'm reading a book. Cooking dinner. Watching TV? Channel 5. Listening to the radio.


- 年龄:How old are you? Smith先生四十多岁。我比姐姐小两岁。他是家中最小的。


- 询问地址:Where does Jack live? He's at 203 Ke Sheng Street.玛丽也住在那里。计划停留时间,玛丽从出生就住那,