迟到检讨书 英语









Dear teacher:

I am your student: XXX. Today I am very guilty and regret for you to write this JianTaoShu, you said I was late for the bad behavior of profound understanding and never late.

In my early into the school, the teacher will have three and five, emphasized, the students may not late. But I still without being late. The thing about late, I think I have to say. What happened was that... (that) and late after... So, I chose to late this behavior. Although I know that this is wrong, but I still do, so, I think it is necessary to teacher but also should make this a written review, let my deep introspection own mistakes.

Excuse me, sir! I made a serious problem of the principle. I know the reason for my teacher was also very angry. I also know that, for each class, the students in class, don't leave early on, don't be late is one of the most basic responsibility, also is the most basic duty. But even the most basic but I didn't do it. Afterwards, I was calm and thought for a long time, I have come to recognize himself to pay for their own impulse. The teacher teaches, the expression of il paron seriously, I deeply in sight, also has profound awareness of the importance of it. Now, a mistake, I deeply regret. Deep in my review, the thought that has hidden a fatal mistake: ideological awareness is not high, I respect for others, I will not have more respect for teachers. The serious shortage of important matters of importance. Peacetime life style, if not too lazy lazy unapt also such. In order to better understanding of mistakes, but also to make the teacher can you believe that I can actually correct their mistakes, and I will no longer continue that he made a mistake down as follows:

Thought for the error: of course not interested in not enough attention. At this point, I began to reflect and not too concerned about, but, after the reflection, I finally realized the mistake is the cause, I was late. Ask: if I liked this course, I myself will randomly desert the course? This error is usually not late when I reflect on the classroom efficiency. I'm not interested in many of the course, often I wasn't from the beginning to the end, this kind of behavior listen attentively, although not disturb classmates and teachers, teaching and learning, but this for, it is a serious mistake. For schools to open each course of reason, we have a student should learn more seriously.

Review: XXX

X x month XXXX
第1个回答  推荐于2017-10-04
On...class, I was late for ...mintues, because ...emergency.
I understand that I do not have a good record on this, but this time I really could not make it. I feel sincerely sorry about that I did not show up on time, but that was not entirely my fault.


Nevertheless, I am responsable for my attendence. There is no excuse that I would be late for the same reason again. There is a Chinese old saying that "mistakes make men wiser". I will learn someting from this. I will never make the same mistake again.
Please forgive me.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-11-21