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Constitute the modern study of three-dimensional object is an integrated form, and form their own space is a realistic and abstract concepts, including physical space and psychological space. Integrated form of this space is not only created a false reality and state, but also gives us a broad imagination, as the Chinese traditional philosophy of "harmony between man and nature," the basic spirit, this is exactly what we want to achieve a high degree of unity and perfection of the realm.

Key words: three-dimensional physical space constitute a form of psychological space space

Constitute the basis of three-dimensional as the traditional courses, basically follow the founder of Albers's teaching theory, that is not considering any other material, but through the paper to study the three-dimensional shapes and spatial relationships. However, with the development of the times, the advancement of technology, the mindset of the people are kept up to date, consisting of three-dimensional teaching requirements subtle changes have taken place, which we need to pose in three-dimensional teaching in constant innovation and development students in learning in this course can be designed to expand awareness of concepts and in-depth, with a space, the visual thinking of a comprehensive look at the design, in order to create the visual environment more beautiful.

A space and "conformal"

Pose in three-dimensional teaching which can be said to constitute a three-dimensional plane, color and a comprehensive understanding of space. Research direction is to pursue all possibilities of the form, which requires students to strengthen the theoretical concept of cognitive style, from the many aspects of the decomposition of the form elements, such as the visual reconstruction of a comprehensive training, in order to enhance their overall shape understanding and awareness of sublimation. As the main form of the study, in addition to modeling the structure of our grasp of things (the distinction between body image and shape), but also constitute a form of the material in the space environment and focus on the interaction of training. Three-dimensional composition of modern education is no longer simply confined to an object itself, but extended to describe the relationship between the environment and objects, the so-called concept of the environment is a space, including the physical space and psychological space. Everything should be in the works present in the environment shape the dialogue in order to give the vision, hearing, smell, such as a full range of feelings, like a sculpture or a building, they should take into account the existence with the surrounding environment echoed the United States due to their natural state space, or man-made cut and polish and even more brilliant. Current human strengthened the protection of the environment, in terms of design longing for a harmonious development between man and nature of the space environment, the creative concept design has been widely praised. Such as the United States Wright, a well-known architect designed villa water, make full use of terrain, water bodies, such as the natural environment,依山傍水, unique, so the main building with the perfect combination of the natural environment, water villas of architectural form is not deliberate on the environment, but grew up in the natural environment into the environment is a form of the space environment with an example of interdependence. In China, the "harmony between man and nature" is the basic spirit of traditional philosophy, this is a manifestation of harmony with nature, close relationship, that is, "meaning" and "habitat" of the high degree of unity, so that the "unification" is We are teaching in the three-dimensional composition of the integrity of which one should be emphasized.

Therefore, the composition of the three-dimensional experience of space (for "shape" of the master) is particularly important, it can for the future creation of professional learning and lay a solid foundation. If we uphold for a long time, you can design research to a more professional, more detailed level.
Second, space and the "state"

In accordance with the formation of Chinese characters in China, we can see that "state" in the "heart" for the end of the word, which refers to people's psychological reactions to a situation of things. Today, the concept of space is not confined to these three-dimensional space, but the ideology of the people as a continuation of the space. A good work can create unlimited reverie, which Lenovo is not subject to subjective time and space constraints.

In the East, the Chinese people in an emotional ideology, a long time to realize that to understand the full complexity of the world, it is necessary to have a kind of spiritual transcendence. Feelings and to develop in students awareness of the initial stage of things, it is important to strengthen the training of creative thinking and mining potential, this stage is on a three-dimensional space constitutes an important training courses. We have the concept of this ideology can be divided into objective and subjective space of the space ideology ideology. Objective space is the work itself that we have limited space and the environment, such as the creation of a form of the author and objective; and subjective space is an interactive role play, or works on the psychological impact of the audience. For example, the walls painted in a red paint inside the house, will have a depression, the psychological feelings of impatience, the feeling is the subjective reaction of ideology. Ideology of objective and subjective space of cross-cutting ideological space, it constitutes a "form an integrated space" concept.

Space and time corresponding to the same space of time changes, there will be superimposed in space, multi-image of the complex expression. Paintings such as "down the stairs of the Nude", we can clearly see the Duchamp painting for the pure language of gradually breaking away from the first piece of work from the use of color to the body and then to the use of strokes are full of strong painting Cubism and the tendency of people to have an unlimited imagination. Duchamp works on the speed of the continuous search for information and to summarize the overall performance, resulting in a space of "vibration", which makes the subjective initiative of works produced for the audience to accept and appreciate the infinite works of imagination. Such creative thinking has given us the space in which to strengthen a sense of spatial extension, so that our three-dimensional space consisting of a more broad understanding and natural. When we are in the same space and time to go look at a work state, we may focus on a certain part of it, the objects, images will become more prominent, and the surrounding objects, the site will be back and narrow. As a result of objective and subjective alternate role is, when would like to stress the focus on the subjective, the visual will be made to enlarge and adjust accordingly, and this is the art of the "exaggeration" principle.

Constitutes a psychological visual space of the guide, but also works which constitute the main element. Therefore, the author poses in the three-dimensional teaching, always emphasizing that the material constitutes the main, not only because it is a visual language and, more importantly, it also launched a space we imagine an infinite line of thought. Imagine the shape, it is the perception of those works and the reproduction of visual material to non-material experience of movement and continuity, this is also the author of three-dimensional pose of teaching students to understand the main points.

In addition, the physical space and psychological space that we would like to express the content, because they are a whole. Teaching in the three-dimensional composition, the author emphasized that a more emotional, a way of thinking. Posed the concept of three-dimensional space has given us sufficient scope to imagination and creativity, students can reproduce realistic physical space, but also the psychological concept of abstract space, but also can create the illusion of space and so contradictory.

III Conclusion

As a designer, how to create a valuable three-dimensional form, it is very important, designers of space itself to grasp the basic elements of shape and composition of these elements and their awareness of the extent of the law, which constitute a class is a three-dimensional Learning to be content. Lies in the concept of contemporary design to create value, pay attention to the introduction of new concepts, new beginning, then the teaching should have a forward-looking. Pose in three-dimensional teaching process, the spatial form should give us more inspiration and reflection.


[1] Xu Zhi-min book "constitutes a three-dimensional" [M]. China Light Industry Press, 2001

[2] Hu referral-ming of "institutions of higher learning design textbook series - a three-dimensional constitute" [M]. Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2003

关 键 词:立体构成 空间形态 物理空间 心理空间

立体构成作为传统基础课程,基本上是遵循创始人阿尔伯斯的教学理论, 即不考虑任何其他材料,而是通过纸来研究立体的造型和空间关系。但随着时代的发展,科技的进步,人们的观念也在不断地更新,对立体构成的教学要求也发生了微妙的变化,这就需要我们在立体构成课的教学中不断地创新与发展,使学生在学习这门课程后能对设计观念的认识有所扩展和深入,用一种空间的、视觉的综合思想去看待设计,以创造更美的视觉环境。






第1个回答  2009-11-23

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2、Interest Rate Liberalization in China


