my dream—— past and present 英语作文


My dream-------past and present 我的梦想,过去和现在
My dream was to be a famous artist in the world,like Monnai.Before this time my dream is to be a English teacher.我的梦想是成为世界上有名的画家。以前我的梦想是成为一名幼教英语老师。But to be a English teacher I just can got the salary for 6000 rmb when you work the top,I means to be a childish teacher.但是,后来经调查,我发现成为英语幼教老师,一个月的最高收入只有6000人民币。When my belief to be a christian.My whole things was different totally.当你有信仰成为基督徒以后。我的整个人生就真的不同了。So I think I can persistent in my ture dream to be a artist at first.And then step by step.所以,我想我会首先成为一名普通的艺术家。然后,一步步的实现成为大艺术家的梦想。To be a famous artist I think was not very hard.我想,成为有名的艺术家不是件很难的事情。If you are hard to do everything.如果你努力做每件事情。I think if haven't had the god I couldn't do anything.Thanks god.最后,我想说,若没有上帝,我则什么也做不成。感谢上帝的一切保守。