


Only for actor reference! More still need then strain!

Actor: press the starting order (queen, king, queen, mirror, hunter, Snow White and the seven dwarfs, the guards, prince, follow)

Narrator: winter with snow like feathers fell from heaven, a beauty queen sitting by the window sew clothes.

Queen: outside of a big snow... I hope to have a daughter, skin white hair in red, like this do window frame of ebony as black...
King: I wish our daughter will like you beautiful...
Queen: if I had such a daughter, and called her name? What good?
King: so beautiful snow... Just call the Snow White princess...
Queen: Snow White...

Narrator: soon, the queen was born a beautiful girl, called Snow White. However, after a few years, the queen was ill, the king married new queen.

Queen: oh... The queen's life was really boring, I used the time when the witch interesting... Before boring can also ride broom to go out to play, but now, but on the day the king and hate boring Snow White, is dead!

Queen: mirror, mirror, I ask you, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?
Magic mirror: this... That... Um... Uh...
Queen: are you doing stammered! Every time I was not simply answer say me to be the most beautiful woman in the world! Murphy was caught a cold today, a sore throat, could not say words? Originally there was boring, now you are such a strange way... Humph! Quick say, don't say you to hit!
Magic mirror: I say me I say... Don't put me smashed ah...
Queen: well, don't hit you, quick say!
Magic mirror: that... Who is the most beautiful before you right! The queen... But now the world's most beautiful that man is the Snow White princess and a thousand times beautiful than her you don't hit me don't hit me! I was just telling the truth...
Queen: what you say? Snow White? ! Impossible! I in this boring the king's palace, but beauty is only now can show that no comfort! Humph! Snow White? Humph! Gente, summon court hunter immediately come here!

Huntsman: the queen. Hello. I was QiaoErQiao court hunter da costa, franco wanny jukassa mushroom Aaron da knouse, alex surrey watts...
Queen: stop, stop... Do you know the name didn't interest me, anyhow, you want me, the hunter to do one thing.
Hunter: yes, please. A queen,
Queen: to take Snow White kill, I don't want to see her face, then take her heart and liver back to my witness!
Hunter: Snow White? You are said to kill the Snow White princess...
Queen: how? Don't you want to defy the queen's command?
Hunter: no, no, no, I'm going to go.

Queen: this new world is my best under, ha ha ha...

The forest. The hunter hand on the Snow White princess shotgun.

Hunter: princess, I'm sorry. I do is queen, I also have no way...
Snow White: (crying), the hunter QiaoErQiao da costa, franco wanny jukassa mushroom Aaron da knouse, alex, please don't surrey slay me, if I don't want to see the queen, I ran away, never back...
Hunter: I remember the princess was the name, it is not easy to me, except the father named my mother, even all that I didn't remember the name...... Well, don't kill the princess, where to find a animals killed, the heart and the liver dig it out unto the queen. Who let the queen will not listen to my name, hum! The princess, so that you can quickly run away, don't come back...
Snow White: oh, thank you.

Hunter: you see? Memory is very important, sometimes can save your life! Students must take to recite the text!

Dwarves home. The seven dwarfs with chairs, put chair to align and then sat down.

A: we are dwarves live in the forest of the dwarves seven groups.
B: we are not dwarf how short,
Dwarven C: but don't you think it's name seven group of dwarves cool?
Dwarven DEFG: well, very cool cool...
B: we dwarves every day and night went back room of labor.
Dwarven C: everyone qq, live happily.
A: A new day and dwarves, we started out labor!
Dwarven BCDEFG: good!

Snow White: oh, I'm so tired to have a place to rest... In front of a small house!

Snow White: excuse me, someone? Ah! Lovely room! All things are fine, and the palace about! Such a beautiful house must be good people live, I am here to have a rest.

Narrator: it was dark, dwarves after a day's work and home.

A: today dwarf, but very rewarding...
B: well, the dwarves have monster!
Dwarven C: what, monster! Ah, run ah...
A: which dwarfs monster unexpectedly dare to groups of seven dwarfs ran home! We go to dozen monster!
Dwarven BCDEFG: good.

B: here, dwarves, ah...
A: I play dwarf...
Dwarven C: don't... This is not monster is princess...
Dwarven B: how do you know she's princess?
Dwarven C: because of her sleep phase is very elegant...
Dwarven ABDEFG: so...

At this moment, the princess woke up.

Snow White: where is this? Oh, yes, it is the small forest house. Ah, who are you?
A: here is our dwarves, we are the seven dwarves groups! What about you? Who are you? Why here?
Snow White: I am the Snow White princess, I was my stepmother driven out from home, please take me!
A: yes, the dwarves you live here, still can help us do housework at ordinary times...
Snow White: household! I... I... I won't do...
B: no! Dwarf Wipe the table, sweeping, cooking, washing clothes, wash dishes, don't like never?
Snow White: the somebody else in the house but the princess, princess don't do anything...
C: oh, how dwarves have such a fairy princess, what is inside the princess will do?
Snow White: woo urrrghhh...
A: well, or dwarf shelter, since you won't do household chores, that we learn to do housework!
Snow White: thank you! Today, almost because not labor and was again come out, the classmates, you will be doing housework, won't do must learn to do housework!

Narrator: now, in the king's palace.

Queen: mirror, mirror, I ask you, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?
Magic mirror: of course is Snow White! Uh, said LouZui...
Queen: (angry)? ! Snow White is not dead?! The hunter! Come on! The last time I summoned pass hunter!
Guard: excuse me, you of the queen was summoned which hunter?
Queen: bad, I forgot the name of the hunter that damn name so long!
Narrator: this is really useful name long.
Queen: hum, it seems to me personally!

Narrator: in the forest cabin, dwarves are out of labor, leave the Snow White princess is home to study housework.

Snow White: do housework is really hard, from morning till now has more than three hours, I haven't wipe the table after...
Queen: someone?
Snow White: yi? Must a promotion, dwarves, said the man cannot put selling goods. Knock it off, the house without...
Queen: hey, this stupid princess. I am not sell, is to recommend some special particularly good things: oh, miss will regret it...
Snow White: oh? Not sell, let her in. Please enter door lock,...
Queen: door lock, that I didn't knock along that... Hello, beautiful girl, I here for beautiful things are you particularly ready!
Snow White: what are some?
Queen: look at the riband, this isn't the general ribbon oh, this is worn will make people become super beautiful ribbons, will make you shining, charm and discounts, beautiful one hundred...
Snow White: I don't wear a ribbon is very beautiful, well... I don't need......
Queen: actually, I wanted to do with tape strangled her... Don't worry, look, the ribbon is the comb general comb oh, it can make your hair hair to become nothing, scurf superior! Ah, ah, embarrassed, say something wrong, you should go without trace is scurf, hair more outstanding...
Snow White: but people have dandruff "... I also don't need......
Queen: oh, I have to get the toxic combs her nor, hum, with a final! Don't comb, come see the apple, the apple, the apple it... It... Many red sweet...
Snow White: oh, apple! I wipe the table for three hours, just like a dead apple! Ah!
Queen: ha ha ha ha, the Snow White princess finally ate my poison apple dead, now the world's most beautiful me again!

A: today dwarf, but very rewarding...
Dwarven B: Snow White! Snow White! Wake up, should eat dinner! Huh? How have no action?
Dwarven C: ah! She is dead!
Dwarven ABDEFG: dead? ! Snow White is dead? Woo urrrghhh...

All the dwarves. The prince platoons play.

Prince: where is this? We lost?
After: sir, I have to look ahead to temporarily place of rest.

Prince: (I) is the national monologue, prince of today, results, and lost since it was already late, don't know what to do.

After running out.

After: your highness! There in front of house!
Prince: oh, great! We went to borrow a late!

The prince, after approached cabin. After knocking at the door.