
我们老师让表演英语小短剧,写好剧本了,帮忙翻译下,谢谢了!!注意:名字XXX英文翻译也用XXX,六个人还有个旁白,把旁白算上,3q. 老师:(上课了,请掏出你们的语文书,今天我们学第一课。这位同学,你有问题吗?)举手同学:(老师,他有些不舒服,可能发烧了。)老师:(那你快送他去医务室吧。)举手同学:(阿姨,他有些不舒服,可能发烧了,您能帮他看看吗?)校医:(当然可以,量一下体温吧。)过了一会儿 校医:(噢!38°6,看起来真的发烧了,让他给家长打电话吧)嘟--嘟--生病的同学:(喂,妈妈,我发烧了,很难受,你能过来接我吗?)家长:(噢!可怜的孩子,好的,我很快就到。)十分钟后 家长到了 家长:(孩子,我来接你了,回家休息吧)生病的同学:(好的,妈妈。)他们一起回家了。 短剧完

T-Teacher(老师) Student A&B(学生A、B) D-Doctor(校医) P-Parent(家长)
T: Class begins. Take out your Chinese book, please. We'll study the first text today.
「Student A holds his hand up.」
T: Any questions, boy?
A: He's not feeling very well, Sir. A fever, perhaps.
T: So quick, take him to the infrmary.
A: He's feeling quite sick, madam, and probably having a fever. Would you please take a look?
D: Of course. Let me have your temperature.
「 After a while.」
D: Oh, 38.6( thirty-eight point six). It seems quite a fever. You'd better give your parent a ring.
「 Dialing.」
B: Hello, is that mom? I'm fevered and quite sick, can you come and take me home?
P: OHh, poor boy! No problem, I'll be there in a few minutes.
十分钟后 家长到了
「 Ten minutes later, the parent arrives.」
P: Kid, I'm here to take you home. Let's go and have a good rest.
B: Okay, mom.
「 They go home together.」
第1个回答  2009-10-11
第2个回答  2009-10-11
Teacher: (class, and took out your Chinese books, today the first lesson we learn.This student, you have a problem?)Raise your hand to his classmates: (teacher, he is a little uncomfortable, you may have a fever.) teacher: (quickly send him to the recovery room.Students raise their hands): (aunt, he is a little uncomfortable, you may have a fever, can you help him to look at?)Medical: (of course you can, take your temperature.) after a while of medical: (Oh! 38 degree six, looks really had a fever, let him alone to parents on the phone--the beep-beep-sick students: (Hey, MOM, I had a fever, sorry, you come and meet me?)Parents: (Oh! poor child, good, I soon to.) 10 minutes later parents to parents: (children, I'll pick you up, go home and rest) sick students: (Yes, mum.) they both go home.
第3个回答  2009-10-11
Teacher: (class, please pull out your language book, today we learn the first lesson. The students, you have a problem?) Students raised their hands: (teacher, he was a bit uncomfortable, may be a fever.) Teacher: (That you were to send him to the infirmary bar.) raise students: (aunt, he was a bit uncomfortable, may be a fever, you can help him to look at it?) school doctor: (Certainly, the amount of about body temperature bar.) Guo school doctor for a while: (Oh! 38 ° 6, looks really a fever, let him call to parents bar) beep - beep - sick students: (Hey, Mom, I have a fever, it is difficult subject, you can come pick me?) Parents: (Oh!
Poor child, good, and I quickly went to. ) 10 minutes after the parents to the Parent: (a child, and I'll pick you up, and go home and rest bar) sick students: (Yes, Mom.) Together, they go home. Drama Ends