在图中 翻译成英语 急求!!

My clock is ( )( ) ( )在墙上
Is your pencil ( )( )( )( )在文具盒里吗?


补充一下,我不太清楚哪些地方要加“’s” 哪些地方不能加,哪些地方直接加s,希望能给我讲下,不胜感谢。
在图中 翻译成英文


My clock is (on)(the) (wall)
Is your pencil (in)(the)(pencil)(case)

where is my backpack?
where is her baseball?
Is her book in the book shelf?
My key is on the dress table.
Boys and girls is under the tree.
A pen is in the English book.



map → maps onion → onions baker → bakers


some water a lot of bread

二、单数可数名词表示泛指时,前面要用不定冠词 a (an) ;而不可数名词不能用 a (an) .如:

Li Hong is a driver. I am a teacher. 李红是一名司机,我是一名教师。

We can't see milk on the table. 我们看不见桌上有牛奶。

[ 友情提醒 ] 在表示特指时,不可数名词和可数名词前都要用定冠词 the .如:

Pass me the ball, please. 请把球传给我。

The chicken on the plate is yours. 盘子里的鸡肉是你的。

三、可数名词表示复数意义时可用 many 等词修饰。如:

many apples a lot of tomatoes a few pens

不可数名词则要用 much 、 a little 等词修饰。如:

much meat a little breadlittle water

[ 友情提醒 ] 这两类名词都可以被 some 、 any 、 a lot of (lost of) 等修饰。如: some eggs/ paper (纸)。

A lot of (lots of) knives / orange juice


three women

ten babies

不可数名词表示数量的多少时,必须与表示数量的名词连用,即“数词 + 表示数量的名词(可数名词) + of + 不可数名词”。如:

two glasses of milk 两杯牛奶

five pieces of bread 五片面包


There is some rice in the bowl. 碗里有些米饭。

All the students are in the classroom. 所有的学生都在教室里。

[ 友情提醒 ] 如果不可数名词前有复数名词短语修饰时,谓语动词须用复数形式。如:

There are two bags of rice in the room. 房间里有两袋子大米。

六、对可数名词的数量提问用 how many ;对不可数名词的数量提问要用 how much ,但对不可数名词前表示数量名词中的修饰语提问时要用 how many .


I can see two pictures on the wall. → How many pictures can you see on the wall?

There is a lot of pork in the basket. → How much pork is there in the basket?

I want three glasses of water. → How many glasses of water do you want?

七、另外,有些集合名词也是可数中词,但不同的是,它们以单数形式出现,表示复数概念,如 people, police, family 等;而有些可数名词本身就以复数形式出现,如 clothes, glasses (眼镜)等;有的可数名词单、复数形式相同,如 Japanese, sheep, Chinese 等。如:

The Chinese people are hardworking and brave. 中国人民勤劳勇敢。

The sports clothes are new. 这些运动服是新的。

I have one sheep. He has two sheep. 我有一只羊,他有三只羊。

最常见的不可数名词有:advice, baggage, change(零钱), furniture, hair, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress, traffic

2、其它不可数名词还有:absence, age, anger, courage, energy, equipment, experience, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labour, luck, marriage, music, nature, paper, peace, pleasure, power, pride, rain, research, respect, safety, salt, sand, silence, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, waste, water, wealth, weather, wind, work(工作)




1. 抽象名词(abstract nouns)。如:beauty, fear, courage, charity, joy, etc.

2. 物质名词(material nouns)。如:air, soap, beef, etc.

2. 物质名词(material nouns)。如:air, soap, beef, etc.
3. 集合名词(collective nouns)。如:family, group, team, swarm, crowd, flock, etc.

3. 集合名词(collective nouns)。如:family, group, team, swarm, crowd, flock, etc.
4. 个体名词(individual nouns)。如:table, man, dog, book, etc.

4. 个体名词(individual nouns)。如:table, man, dog, book, etc.
专有名词包括人名、地名等,如:Tom, Mrs Smith, China, etc.

Tom, Mrs Smith, China, etc.




1.一般在名词词尾加-s。如:dog-dogs, house-houses, gram-grams.

2.以-o或-s,-sh, -ch及-x结尾的名词加-es构成其复数形式。如:tomato-tomatoes, kiss-kisses, watch-watches, box-boxes, bush-bushes.

3.有些以-o结尾,是外来语或缩写名词, 则加-s。如:piano-pianos, dynamo-dynamos, photo-photos, kimono-kimonos.

4.有些以-o结尾的名词,其-o前是元音字母则加-s。如:studio-studios, radio-radios.


5.以-y结尾的名词,且-y前是一个辅音字母,则把-y去掉,加-ies。如:baby-babies, university-universities, fly-flies, impurity-impurities.

如果以-y结尾的名词,-y前是一个元音字母,则直接加-s。如:boy-boys, donkey-donkeys.

-y结尾的名词,-y前是一个元音字母,则直接加-s。如:boy-boys, donkey-donkeys.
6.以-f或-fe结尾的名词,一般将-f,-fe去掉,加-ves。如:wife-wives, wolf-wolves, calf-calves.

这类名词还有:life, knife, self, shelf, leaf, thief, sheaf, half等。

名词scarf, wharf, hoof, handkerchief的复数形式或加-s或去掉-f加-ves,即scarfs或scarves, wharfs或wharves, hoofs或hooves, handkerchiefs或handkerchieves。

也有些以-f或-fe结尾的名词只加-s。如:cliff-cliffs, belief-beliefs, safe-safes, roof-roofs, chief-chiefs等。

life, knife, self, shelf, leaf, thief, sheaf, half等。
名词scarf, wharf, hoof, handkerchief的复数形式或加-s或去掉-f加-ves,即scarfs或scarves, wharfs或wharves, hoofs或hooves, handkerchiefs或handkerchieves。

也有些以-f或-fe结尾的名词只加-s。如:cliff-cliffs, belief-beliefs, safe-safes, roof-roofs, chief-chiefs等。

scarf, wharf, hoof, handkerchief的复数形式或加-s或去掉-f加-ves,即scarfs或scarves, wharfs或wharves, hoofs或hooves, handkerchiefs或handkerchieves。
也有些以-f或-fe结尾的名词只加-s。如:cliff-cliffs, belief-beliefs, safe-safes, roof-roofs, chief-chiefs等。

-f或-fe结尾的名词只加-s。如:cliff-cliffs, belief-beliefs, safe-safes, roof-roofs, chief-chiefs等。
7.有些名词以改变元音构成其复数形式。如:man-men, woman-women, goose-geese, foot-feet, mouse-mice, louse-lice, tooth-teeth等。

child的复数为children, ox的复数为oxen。

child的复数为children, ox的复数为oxen。

8.有些表示生物的名词,其复数形式与单数相同。如:fish-fish, sheep-sheep, deer-deer。这类名词还有aircraft, means等。



1.一般在词尾加-s或-es。如:take-off -- take-offs, grown-up -- grown-ups, armchair -- armchairs, film-goer -- film-goers等。

2.以man或woman为前缀构成的复合词,两部分都变成复数。如:man doctor -- men doctors, woman player -- women players等。

3.主体名词在前,介词或副词在后的复合词只在主体词后加-s。 如:sister-in-law -- sisters-in-law, looker-on --lookers-on, passer-by -- passers-by等 。

4.首字母缩略词(Initials),加-s以构成其复数。如:VIPs (very important persons), MPs (Members of Parliament), UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects)等。

5.一些从希腊文或拉丁文转化而来的外来名词通常仍保持其原有的复数形式。如:datum--data, crisis-crises, stimulus-stimuli, phenomenon-phenomena, basis-bases等。

但也有些希腊,拉丁文外来语按英语的变化规则。如:formula-formulas, campus-campuses, myth-myths等。 Return


个体名词都是可数名词,都有单、复数形式。个体名词的单数形式就是名词的原形,它的前面可用不定冠词a(n)和基数词one, 如:a desk, one desk, a woman, one woman. 个体名词的复数形式有两种:一种是规则复数,即在名词原形之后加-s或-es构成,如books, bags, shoes, places, glasses, churches, leaves等;另一种是不规则复数,即不是以加词尾-s或-es构成复数,而是通过内部元音变换或其他方式构成复数,如 tooth--teeth, man--men, mouse--mice, child--children, ox--oxen等。



集体名词 个体名词

但也有些希腊,拉丁文外来语按英语的变化规则。如:formula-formulas, campus-campuses, myth-myths等。 Return


个体名词都是可数名词,都有单、复数形式。个体名词的单数形式就是名词的原形,它的前面可用不定冠词a(n)和基数词one, 如:a desk, one desk, a woman, one woman. 个体名词的复数形式有两种:一种是规则复数,即在名词原形之后加-s或-es构成,如books, bags, shoes, places, glasses, churches, leaves等;另一种是不规则复数,即不是以加词尾-s或-es构成复数,而是通过内部元音变换或其他方式构成复数,如 tooth--teeth, man--men, mouse--mice, child--children, ox--oxen等。



集体名词 个体名词


个体名词都是可数名词,都有单、复数形式。个体名词的单数形式就是名词的原形,它的前面可用不定冠词a(n)和基数词one, 如:a desk, one desk, a woman, one woman. 个体名词的复数形式有两种:一种是规则复数,即在名词原形之后加-s或-es构成,如books, bags, shoes, places, glasses, churches, leaves等;另一种是不规则复数,即不是以加词尾-s或-es构成复数,而是通过内部元音变换或其他方式构成复数,如 tooth--teeth, man--men, mouse--mice, child--children, ox--oxen等。



集体名词 个体名词



集体名词 个体名词

poetry poem

machinery machine

clothing garment, coat, etc.

furniture table, chair, etc.

cutlery knife

equipment tool

weaponry gun, pistol, ect.

foliage leaf

correspondence(信件) letter

luggage trunk, bag, etc.

police policeman

clergy clergyman

但也有一些集体名词本身可用于个体意义,从而有单、复数形式,如team, a team, three teams; committee, a committee, several committees; family, a family, two families等。


有些名词既可作物质名词,也要作个体名词,前者不可数,后者可数。这就要看这些名词用于何种意义。例如rubber作“橡胶”解是不可数名词,因而无复数形式,如果用了复数,则语义改变,作“胶鞋”解;stone作“石料”解是不可数名词, 而作“一块块的石头”解则是可数名词;egg作“蛋渍”、“ 蛋白”解是不可数名词,而作“一个个的蛋”解则是可数名词;lamb作“羔羊肉”解是不可数名词,而作“羔羊”解则是可数名词;onion作“洋葱味”解是不可数名词,而作“洋葱头”解则是可数名词。



team, a team, three teams; committee, a committee, several committees; family, a family, two families等。

有些名词既可作物质名词,也要作个体名词,前者不可数,后者可数。这就要看这些名词用于何种意义。例如rubber作“橡胶”解是不可数名词,因而无复数形式,如果用了复数,则语义改变,作“胶鞋”解;stone作“石料”解是不可数名词, 而作“一块块的石头”解则是可数名词;egg作“蛋渍”、“ 蛋白”解是不可数名词,而作“一个个的蛋”解则是可数名词;lamb作“羔羊肉”解是不可数名词,而作“羔羊”解则是可数名词;onion作“洋葱味”解是不可数名词,而作“洋葱头”解则是可数名词。



rubber作“橡胶”解是不可数名词,因而无复数形式,如果用了复数,则语义改变,作“胶鞋”解;stone作“石料”解是不可数名词, 而作“一块块的石头”解则是可数名词;egg作“蛋渍”、“ 蛋白”解是不可数名词,而作“一个个的蛋”解则是可数名词;lamb作“羔羊肉”解是不可数名词,而作“羔羊”解则是可数名词;onion作“洋葱味”解是不可数名词,而作“洋葱头”解则是可数名词。


Honesty is the best policy.

Knowledge is strength.

但也有一些抽象名词是可数的,如victory, a victory, two victories; conference, a conference, several conferences。还有一些抽象名词可以复数形式出现,但不能计数。例如difficulty, difficulties; opinion, opinions。


victory, a victory, two victories; conference, a conference, several conferences。还有一些抽象名词可以复数形式出现,但不能计数。例如difficulty, difficulties; opinion, opinions。

The salesman met once a week to exchange experience(经验)。

Please tell us about your experiences(经历)in Africa.



抽象名词 个体名词

laughter laugh


抽象名词 个体名词

laughter laugh

laughter laugh
work job

work job
correspondence(通信)letter, note, ect.

correspondence(通信)letter, note, ect.
photography photo

photography photo
permission permit

permission permit
music song

music song
fun joy

fun joy
homework exercise

homework exercise
英语中还有少数几个名词,如family, room, mouth, ear,等,似乎只能是可数名词,但实际上这类名词在某些搭配中也可表示抽象概念,从而成为不可数名词,例如to have too much family (=too heavy family burden), to have too much winter (= a too long spell of cold weather); to have too much mouth (= to talk too much), to have too little ear (= to be not inclined to listen to others), to have room for (=to have a need for), to feel the patriot rise... (=to feel the patriotic feelings rise...)等。

英语中还有一些名词(大多是指人的名词),通常作可数名词,但在特殊的搭配中表示人的特质等抽象意义时便成了不可数名词。例如fool本属可数名词,但在to be fool enough (=to be foolish enough), more of a fool (=more foolish), as much of a fool as (=as foolish as), too much of a fool (too foolish) 等搭配中,便表示抽象意义,成为不可数名词。类似的名词还有man,coward, poet, politician, sportsman, scholar 等。例如:

He was enough of a man to tell the truth.

family, room, mouth, ear,等,似乎只能是可数名词,但实际上这类名词在某些搭配中也可表示抽象概念,从而成为不可数名词,例如to have too much family (=too heavy family burden), to have too much winter (= a too long spell of cold weather); to have too much mouth (= to talk too much), to have too little ear (= to be not inclined to listen to others), to have room for (=to have a need for), to feel the patriot rise... (=to feel the patriotic feelings rise...)等。
英语中还有一些名词(大多是指人的名词),通常作可数名词,但在特殊的搭配中表示人的特质等抽象意义时便成了不可数名词。例如fool本属可数名词,但在to be fool enough (=to be foolish enough), more of a fool (=more foolish), as much of a fool as (=as foolish as), too much of a fool (too foolish) 等搭配中,便表示抽象意义,成为不可数名词。类似的名词还有man,coward, poet, politician, sportsman, scholar 等。例如:

He was enough of a man to tell the truth.

fool本属可数名词,但在to be fool enough (=to be foolish enough), more of a fool (=more foolish), as much of a fool as (=as foolish as), too much of a fool (too foolish) 等搭配中,便表示抽象意义,成为不可数名词。类似的名词还有man,coward, poet, politician, sportsman, scholar 等。例如:
He was enough of a man to tell the truth.

He was enough of a man to tell the truth.


专有名词一般没有复数形式,除非专有名词本身带有复数词缀,如the United States, the Philipines, the Netherlands. 但一般专有名词有时也可能普通名词化,从而带有复数词缀,如表示某姓的一家人或者表示同性或同名的若干人。例如:

the United States, the Philipines, the Netherlands. 但一般专有名词有时也可能普通名词化,从而带有复数词缀,如表示某姓的一家人或者表示同性或同名的若干人。例如:
Have you invited the Browns?(指姓布朗的一家人)

There are two Miss Smiths / Misses Smith in the class.(指两个同姓Smith的女子)



第1个回答  2009-10-10
1.on the wall
2.in the pencil case
3.Where is my backpack?
4.Where is her baseball?
5.Is her book in the bookshelf?
6.My keys are on the dressing table.
7.Boys and girls are under the tree.
8.A pen is on the English book.
1.辅音加Y结尾的要去Y为I再加ES,即ies;baby - babies
2.一般在名词后面加S,即s'book - books
3.以S,X,CH,SH,结尾的加ES;box -boxes
4.以F或FE结尾的变F或FE为V加ES;knife - knives
5.以O结尾的有两种情况:1.有生命的加ES;tomato - tomatoes 2.无生命的加S;
photo - photos.
第2个回答  2009-10-10
My clock is ( on )( the ) (wall).
Is your pencil (in ) (the)(pencilcase)?这里不是3个空吗?
Where's my backpack?
Where's her basball?
Is her book in the bookcase?
My keys are on the dresser.
Boys and girls are under the tree.
A pen is in the English book.

在图中:in the picture.
第3个回答  2009-10-10
on the wall
in the pencil box
Where is my backpack
Where is her baseball
Is her book in the bookcase
My keys are on the dresser / My key is on the dresser
The boys and girls are under the tree.
A pen is in the English book.

's 是名词所有格,表示某人的,加s 是单数变复数时才用的。
第4个回答  2009-10-10
y clock is ( )( ) ( )在墙上
Is your pencil