
终点为A的人: 有个性,做事情富有冒险精神。建议在一些大事的把握上,可以请教一下自己崇敬的长辈或老师,这将对你的决定有很关键的指导作用。 适合的职业:警察、教练、作家。        
  终点为B的人: 有比较敏锐的洞察力,而且能够辨别是非。建议不开心时千万不要自己苦思冥想,而是应当找朋友聊聊天,或者去逛街。 适合的职业:漫画家、会计、导演、设计师。 终点为C的人: 直率的你往往有些不拘小节,或者说容易忽略一些细节,虽然在理想的路上会有一些坎坷,但总能够沿着正确的方向前进。建议多观察一下周围的世界,做事情要更加细心,也许会有不错的发现。 适合的职业:领导、律师、指挥。 终点为D的人: 你对生活的态度很坦诚,属于稳中求进的一类人。建议经常给自己确定一些阶段性的目标,你的感情和事业都会更加顺利。 适合的职业:医生、教师、歌手、记者、工人。                                   
   终点为E的人: 你对身边亲人和朋友的依赖性比较强,经常会对一些事物产生怀旧感。建议你应该独立的去闯荡一番,也许会有所收获。 适合的职业:演员、司机、商人、基层管理人员。

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终点为A的人:?? 有个性,做事情富有冒险精神。建议在一些大事的把握上,可以请教一下自己崇敬的长辈或老师,这将对你的决定有很关键的指导作用。?? 适合的职业:警察、教练、作家。?
终点为B的人:? ? 有比较敏锐的洞察力,而且能够辨别是非。建议不开心时千万不要自己苦思冥想,而是应当找朋友聊聊天,或者去逛街。 ? 适合的职业:漫画家、会计、导演、设计师。? 终点为C的人:? 直率的你往往有些不拘小节,或者说容易忽略一些细节,虽然在理想的路上会有一些坎坷,但总能够沿着正确的方向前进。建议多观察一下周围的世界,做事情要更加细心,也许会有不错的发现。? ? 适合的职业:领导、律师、指挥。? 终点为D的人:? 你对生活的态度很坦诚,属于稳中求进的一类人。建议经常给自己确定一些阶段性的目标,你的感情和事业都会更加顺利。?? 适合的职业:医生、教师、歌手、记者、工人。
终点为E的人:?? 你对身边亲人和朋友的依赖性比较强,经常会对一些事物产生怀旧感。建议你应该独立的去闯荡一番,也许会有所收获。? ? 适合的职业:演员、司机、商人、基层管理人员。 Maze is not dead-end, all the roads are able to reach a different destination. From the starting point to enter the maze, when faced fork in the road, in accordance with their own intuition which side chose to move forward. All exits have corresponding letters??
A destination for people who:?? Have personality, do things adventurous. Suggested that the mastery of some events, you can ask yourself respected elders or teachers, which would your decision have very critical guide. ?? A suitable job: the police, coaches, writers. ?
End for the B people:?? Have more insight, but also be able to distinguish right from wrong. Proposes not to happy when you do not themselves think hard, but should find a friend chat, or go shopping. ? Suitable Occupation: cartoonist, accounting, directors, designers. ? End for the C people:? Blunt some of you often informal section, or easy to overlook some details, although in an ideal way to have some ups and downs, but it can always in the right direction. The proposed multi-look at the world around, doing things I want to be more careful, there may be a good discovery. ?? Suitable career: leadership, counsel, command. ? End of D, by:? Your attitude toward life is very frank and belongs to a class of people while maintaining stability. Recommendations have often had to set itself a number of intermediate targets, your feelings and utilities are more smoothly. ?? Suitable Occupation: doctors, teachers, singers, journalists and workers.
Endpoint for the E, by:?? Your family and friends around relatively strong dependence, often affects a number of things that generate a sense of nostalgia. I suggest you should go to an independent career in some, may be fruitful. ?? Suitable Occupation: actor, driver, businessman, grassroots management staff.


第1个回答  2009-11-17

Maze is not dead-end, all the roads are able to reach a different destination. From the starting point to enter the maze, when faced fork in the road, in accordance with their own intuition which side chose to move forward. All exits have corresponding letters??
A destination for people who:?? Have personality, do things adventurous. Suggested that the mastery of some events, you can ask yourself respected elders or teachers, which would your decision have very critical guide. ?? A suitable job: the police, coaches, writers. ?
End for the B people:?? Have more insight, but also be able to distinguish right from wrong. Proposes not to happy when you do not themselves think hard, but should find a friend chat, or go shopping. ? Suitable Occupation: cartoonist, accounting, directors, designers. ? End for the C people:? Blunt some of you often informal section, or easy to overlook some details, although in an ideal way to have some ups and downs, but it can always in the right direction. The proposed multi-look at the world around, doing things I want to be more careful, there may be a good discovery. ?? Suitable career: leadership, counsel, command. ? End of D, by:? Your attitude toward life is very frank and belongs to a class of people while maintaining stability. Recommendations have often had to set itself a number of intermediate targets, your feelings and utilities are more smoothly. ?? Suitable Occupation: doctors, teachers, singers, journalists and workers.
Endpoint for the E, by:?? Your family and friends around relatively strong dependence, often affects a number of things that generate a sense of nostalgia. I suggest you should go to an independent career in some, may be fruitful. ?? Suitable Occupation: actor, driver, businessman, grassroots management staff.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-11-16
Maze is not dead-end, all the roads are able to reach a different destination. From the starting point to enter the maze, when faced fork in the road, in accordance with their own intuition which side chose to move forward. All exits have corresponding letters??
A destination for people who:?? Have personality, do things adventurous. Suggested that the mastery of some events, you can ask yourself respected elders or teachers, which would your decision have very critical guide. ?? A suitable job: the police, coaches, writers. ?
End for the B people:?? Have more insight, but also be able to distinguish right from wrong. Proposes not to happy when you do not themselves think hard, but should find a friend chat, or go shopping. ? Suitable Occupation: cartoonist, accounting, directors, designers. ? End for the C people:? Blunt some of you often informal section, or easy to overlook some details, although in an ideal way to have some ups and downs, but it can always in the right direction. The proposed multi-look at the world around, doing things I want to be more careful, there may be a good discovery. ?? Suitable career: leadership, counsel, command. ? End of D, by:? Your attitude toward life is very frank and belongs to a class of people while maintaining stability. Recommendations have often had to set itself a number of intermediate targets, your feelings and utilities are more smoothly. ?? Suitable Occupation: doctors, teachers, singers, journalists and workers.
Endpoint for the E, by:?? Your family and friends around relatively strong dependence, often affects a number of things that generate a sense of nostalgia. I suggest you should go to an independent career in some, may be fruitful. ?? Suitable Occupation: actor, driver, businessman, grassroots management staff.
第3个回答  2009-11-16
你下个翻译器翻译.虽然不大准确,但翻译的80%都是正确的.以后想翻译其他的还方便.你可以在迅雷下载:有道,金山 等.国外的留学生都用这个.方便点.