matlab sim函数代表什么意思?怎么用的 急!!!


执行simulink模型用的命令 相当于windows里的run命令

[t,x,y] = sim(model,timespan,options,ut);
[t,x,y1, y2, ..., yn] = sim(model,timespan,options,ut);

The sim command causes the specified Simulink model to be executed. The model is executed with the data passed to the sim command, which may include parameter values specified in an options structure. The values in the structure override the values shown for block diagram parameters in the Configuration Parameters dialog box, and the structure may set additional parameters that are not otherwise available (such as DstWorkSpace). The parameters in an options structure are useful for setting conditions for a specific simulation run.


第1个回答  2010-05-15
执行simulink模型用的命令 相当于windows里的run命令

[t,x,y] = sim(model,timespan,options,ut);
[t,x,y1, y2, ..., yn] = sim(model,timespan,options,ut);

The sim command causes the specified Simulink model to be executed. The model is executed with the data passed to the sim command, which may include parameter values specified in an options structure. The values in the structure override the values shown for block diagram parameters in the Configuration Parameters dialog box, and the structure may set additional parameters that are not otherwise available (such as DstWorkSpace). The parameters in an options structure are useful for setting conditions for a specific simulation run.
第2个回答  2010-05-16