

整句话的翻译应为:I can't understand what you have said,what should I do?

I can't understand what you have said,意思是“我看(听)不懂你说的话,”多加一句:这句话中为什么含有“have”?因为题中之意,别人的话刚刚说完,已经是“现在完成时”,所以应用英语语法,必须加“have”。

what should I do? 意思是“我该怎么办?”
第1个回答  2010-06-12
I can not understand your words .what can I do ?
第2个回答  2010-06-12
what if i can not understand your words?
what if i cann't understand you?因为不知道你问题里面“的话”是真实的话还是一个语气助词,所以给你两个版本啦,自己看咯
第3个回答  2010-06-12
I'm sorry I can't understand what you said, what shall I do then?
第4个回答  2010-06-12
I can not understand your words,what can I do ?
第5个回答  2010-06-12
I don't understand your words, what can I to do?