

一是鼓励企业扩大 hiring of college graduates. Offer one-time employment subsidies to small and medium-sized enterprises that hire college graduates from the graduating class. Encourage companies to employ more college graduates. State-owned enterprises should continuously expand the scale of hiring college graduates for two consecutive years and refrain from arbitrary breach of contracts. They should not make the duration of internships within their units a prerequisite for employment.
二是增加基层就业机会. Develop a number of grassroots public management and social service positions in urban and rural communities, expand the recruitment scale of grassroots service projects such as the "Three Supports and One Assistance" plan, and streamline the technical title evaluation channels for private enterprises.
三是增加招生入伍人数. The Ministry of Education has announced an expansion of the scale of master's degree admissions and regular college undergraduate admissions for the year 2020. Increase the enrollment of college students in the military, and raise the proportion of graduates recruited.
四是增加就业实习机会. Support companies, government investment projects, and research projects in establishing internships. Extend the subsidy period for internships interrupted by the epidemic, and encourage and reward companies that employ interns who have not completed their internships. Offer internship subsidies to companies for the remaining period of the internship.
五是适当延长录用时间. Extend the reporting, document transfer, and household registration deadlines for graduates who have delayed their graduation. Provide two years of document and household registration storage convenience for unemployed graduates, allowing them to participate in employer exams and appointments as fresh graduates. Upon securing employment, refer to fresh graduate procedures for related formalities.