

课本《The spirit of Marathon》的翻译如下:

1、第一段原文为:Athens was a beautiful city in ancient Greece. Persians want to own the city. In September 490 BC, a fierce war broke out between Persian Greece and Athens in a place called Marathon. After days of hard fighting, Greece won.

翻译:雅典是古希腊的美丽城市。 波斯人想拥有这座城市。 公元前490年9月,波斯希腊人和雅典人在一场名为马拉松的地方爆发了一场激烈的战争。 经过几天的艰苦奋斗,希腊获胜。

2、第二段原文为:The Greeks were so happy that they sent a good runner, Fedipidez, back to Athens to tell people the good news. The distance between the marathon and Athens is about 26 miles.

翻译:希腊人非常高兴,以至于他们派出了好跑者Fedipidez回到雅典,告诉人们这个好消息。 马拉松和雅典之间的距离约为26英里。

3、第三段原文为:Fedipidez was eager to get the good news out to everyone immediately, so he kept running all the time. Although very tired, Ferdipides did not give up. Ferdipides kept running so that when he reached Athens, he could not move. He shouted, "Good news, we won!" Then he fell to the ground and died. So far, his story has been circulated for more than 2000 years.

翻译:Fedipidez渴望立即将好消息发给每个人,因此他一直无休止地奔波。 尽管很累,但费迪佩迪斯并没有放弃。 Ferdipides不断奔跑,以便他到达雅典时无法动弹。 他大喊:“好消息,我们赢了!” 然后他倒在地上死了。 到目前为止,他的故事已经流传了2000多年。


1、The spirit of Marathon译为马拉松精神。有一部运动纪录片名字就叫做The spirit of Marathon,此片是有史以来第一部以非虚构的形式捕捉马拉松运动的戏剧性和精神实质的电影。


