
2 纵坡设计的一般要求

Longitudinal design of the general requirements
• Longitudinal design must meet the "standard" provisions.
• To ensure that vehicles can travel with a certain speed Anquan Shun appropriate, grades should have a certain comfort, ups and downs should not be too large and too frequent.
• Design should along the topography, geology, hydrology, underground pipeline, climate, and drainage into account, and the technology needed to take appropriate measures to ensure the stability and smooth road.
• In general longitudinal design should minimize the amount of earthwork and other works to reduce cost and save space.
• Basic principle:
Cut to fill balance of vertical design - in mountainous terrain vertical longitudinal design should take into account the cut to fill balance, as far as possible the operation of the nearest road excavation filled in order to reduce the borrower and the waste side.
Envelope design - in Plain Hill terrain should meet the minimum fill height requirements to ensure embankment stability.
• on the highway, a road, consideration should be given access, irrigation and other requirements, low-grade highways, consideration should be given civil transport, agricultural machinery and other requirements