
(甲 乙同为学生身份,甲一脸苦恼上台)


B: what's up?
A: gush,all about test!
B: oh?didn't live up the goal?
A: (sad) well, the teacher is to blame.
B: (surprise) what?wicked?
A: yes. In mathematics, what an important

test, just pick some simple question!

actually,she just select the question which

beyond my ability.he made things difficult

for me,didn't he?this mark failed me,it

B:if you dislike the mark ,en ? pay more

attention in class,that's what you should do!
A: Do not rush ,what's more ...
B:so what?
A:Did you learn what the teacher said that

the more idiom you use, the higer score you

will get?
A:well,this time ,the test required a piece

of travel notes,I uesd lots of idiom ,however

,the teacher took away all my marks》。《
B:tell me about what you just wrote down...
A:sure,you must help me! it is said that"the

weekend ,my parents took me to the zoo

B:a good beginning,go on!
A:as usual ,we enjoy the sweet patato

congee,because the ficus sold out,Mum's put

of ideas (黔驴技穷不知道怎么翻译合适,以后的

成语只能勉强了) scraping some taros which

are there just to make up the number(滥竽充数

).to my surprise,the taros growing in balcony

are delicious,we eat it of our own doingsas

(自食其果)if we take a candy from a baby.(

B:(syunned)this is what and what ,where and

A:and then ,before we go out ,Mum who is past

her bloom(徐娘半老)prepares as a flowery

girl(花枝招展), Divine inspiration really(鬼

斧神工)can't recognize she's the chaff wife(

草糠之妻),with an unfledged (羽毛未丰)on

head,Dad thoroughly reform oneself(洗心革面)

and act as a monkey with a hat on -- a

worthless person in imposing attire(沐猴而

冠),with a suit that work along both lines(双

管齐下),which is handsome in
a extremely cruel (惨绝人寰)degree.really is

cock flying & dog jumping(鸡飞狗跳) so that

make everyone retreat to avoid a conflict(退

避三舍)。Take a look at this new commercial,

but is warned that my sister may be struck by

a sudden impulse to spend all the gold you've

saved for her epic mount.(东施效颦爱漂亮的妹



到的)we ride plain cars and white horses --

in a funeral procession(素车白马) like the

Birds of a feather flock together(一丘之貉)

,arrive at zoo quickly.unexpectedly the

visitors who apprehend danger in every sound(

草木皆兵)make us bone meat separator(骨肉分离

),breaking up one's family (妻离子散),dad

spare no effort in the performance of one's

duty(鞠躬尽瘁)to broadcast,fonnd meclasp an

enemy to one's bosom(认贼作父)and my sister

who is married to a bad husband(遇人不淑) 。

during we beasts at bay will put up a

desperate fight(困兽犹斗),we use a mantis

raises its forelegs, trying to stop an

oncoming car.(螳臂当车)to prevail over all

dissenting views(力排众议)and put oneself in

the place of another(推己及人) to squeeze to

the monkey
rail fence ,with passing away the sham as the

genuine(鱼目混珠),taking a Familienfoto

that we try to show happyness when one is sad

B:enough!stop reading!that's what you did and

dream about high score,en ?
A:(chagrin) so you say the same thing?
B:how can you use the idiom in this way?be

careful in class!
A:I am taking seriously,in class,I remember

every action of my deskmate.during a math

class,my teacher ask "satistics is a useful

course,we learn it ,so ,what is our aim"my

deskmate answered"No cavities!"besides,I

still remember my teacher critize the student

on duty didn't erase the words on the

blackboard,then my deskmate said "who

polluted, who solves"
B:you should listen to the teacher in stead

of keep your eyes open on your deskmate!
B:Now, having said all that,what's your

mark in chinese then?
A: A horse stumbles that has four legs.
B:Enought talk,tell me!
B:come on
A:still lack 2 points to get pass the test
B:ei~~~~,there're still some problems in our

A:yeah!let's work together!
B:so do I
A:in studing to be two birds flying wing to

B:in living to be two trees with branches

A:Cai-Feng Shuangfei body without wings
B:heart beat are linked together!
A:this is where and where?

第1个回答  2010-05-04
(A and B the same as for students, a look of anguish came to power)
B: what's wrong?
A: test !
B: good?
A: (sad) ah and misfortunes teacher wicked.
B: (surprised) wicked?
A: Yes. Take math for instance, such an important exam, you have kept the issue out of something as simple and ah! Her roving of the appetite, I will not pick the best out of this dilemma from time to time and I deliberately do? Such a big red lanterns hung, and more unsightly ah!
B: too ugly, their classes seriously the point.
A: (quickly) Do not worry, this is not the case, there too!
B: There are what?
A: Teachers are not made? This time of writing an extra phrase, score only higher?
B: (nodding head) on ah, this is true.
A: But the language examinations of the fuss is Travels to write, and I spent a lot of idioms, but my teacher took me light up the score all deductions
B: 啥 writing, speaking, listening.
A: Well, you have to decide for me, ah! "Weekend, Mom and Dad made a point of playing we went to the zoo ......"
B: This article Well, at the beginning chose this topic to continue
A: "As a rule we like to eat sweet potato porridge morning. Sold out today because the sweet potatoes, my mother had to cut some of their rope to a good impression of taro. Did not think those kinds of taro in the balcony to eat well, the family may suffer consequences are greedy .. ...."
B: (stunned) that what with what you?
A: There are too! "Out the door I was Xuniangbanlao mother dolled herself up to the gods is also not see a first wives. Fledgling father heads quickly turn over Muhouerguan, handsome after wearing suits both was tragic, Jifeigoutiao to make people tremble. mere copycat love beautiful sister is a tiger a dog to dress up Splendid, arrogantly wearing new high heels. We birds of a feather sitting prime vehicle Whitehorse quickly to the zoo, visitors unexpectedly over the panic has caused our family being separated from wives and children of the father spared no efforts to broadcast everywhere, finally found my almost Renzeizuofu and Yurenbushu sister. Kunshouyoudou, we mantis arm when the car against all the odds to benefit the people pushed monkeys fence, fish in the family portrait shot Zhang forced smile ......"
B: Come, come, do not read on you this composition, and would like to score it!
A.: (sad) even you say that?
B: how can I let you use idioms, school seriously on the floor it!
A: (grievance form) I am serious in class, I carefully to every word and action I remember the same table. Remember that mathematics can be, the teacher asked: "Statistics is a very useful knowledge that we learn statistics, what is the objective we ah?" I'm at the same table, saying: "No cavities!" I vaguely remember that there are cursed the teacher on duty does not erase the blackboard, at the same table, said: "causer of pollution responsible governance!"
B: The class is listening to the teacher, who ordered you to pay attention to your table with the words and deeds?
A:. . . . . .
B: Having said that, the language of your results?
A: The horse stumbles, the people have missed Offices
B: Enough talk, sort of?
A:. . . . . . (Unclear)
B: fraction
A:. . . . . .
B: louder!
A: (anxious) 60 2 points short of Well
B: hey, it seems we have a problem learning.
A: Yes, (holding B's hand), let us work together.
B: common progress
A: do learning pair of lovebirds
B: life with branches
A: body with phoenix Shuangfei Yan
B: minds think alike
A: (feeling wrong) that endure to it?
(Step down)本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-05-04
B for students with identification, a look of anguish came to power)
B: Zala?
A.: Examination Bai!
B: did not test good?
A: (sad) ah and misfortunes teacher wicked.
B: (surprised) wicked?
A: Yes. Take math for instance, such an important exam, you have kept the topics, simply a bit ah! Her roving of the appetite, I will not do pick up, which from time to time, and I deliberately difficult it? A big red lanterns hung, and more unsightly ah!
B: too ugly, their classes seriously the point.
A: (quickly) Do not worry, this is not so, there too!
B: There are what?
A: Teachers are not made? That of writing more when using idioms, score only higher?
B: (nodding head) on ah, this is true.
A: But the language examinations of the fuss is Travels to write, I use a lot of idioms, but my teacher took me light up the score all deductions
B: 啥 writing, speaking, listening.
A: Well, you have to decide for me, ah! "Weekend, Mom and Dad made a point of playing we went to the zoo ......"
B: This article Well, at the beginning chose this topic to continue
A: "As a rule we like to eat sweet potato porridge morning. Sold out today because the sweet potatoes, my mother had to cut some of their rope to a good impression of taro. Did not think those kinds of taro on the balcony to eat well, the family may suffer consequences are greedy .. ...."
B: (stunned) that what with what you?
A: There are too! "Out the door I was Xuniangbanlao mother dolled herself up to the gods is also a first wives can not see. Fledgling head quickly to turn over Muhouerguan father, wearing a suit after the handsome two-pronged was tragic, Jifeigoutiao to make people tremble. mere copycat love beautiful sister is a tiger a dog to dress up Yanguangsishe, arrogantly wearing new high heels. we are birds of a feather sitting prime vehicle Whitehorse quickly to the zoo, many visitors to panic unexpectedly, has caused our family being separated from wives and children everywhere father spared no efforts in broadcasting,
Finally, I found almost Renzeizuofu and Yurenbushu sister. Kunshouyoudou, we mantis arm when the car against all the odds to benefit the people pushed monkeys fence, fish in the family portrait shot Zhang forced smile. . . . . . "
B: Come, come, do not read on you this composition, and would like to score it!
A: The (sad) even you say that?
B: how can I let you use idioms, school seriously on the floor it!
A: (grievance form) I am serious in class, I carefully to every word and action I remember the same table. Remember that mathematics can be, the teacher asked: "Statistics is a very useful knowledge, we learn statistics, what is the objective we ah?" I'm at the same table, saying: "No cavities!" I vaguely remember that there are cursed the teacher on duty does not erase the blackboard, at the same table, said: "causer of pollution responsible governance!"
B: The class is listening to the teacher, who ordered you to pay attention to your table with the words and deeds?
A:. . . . . .
B: Having said that, the language of your results?
A: The horse stumbles, the people have missed Offices
B: Enough talk, sort of?
A:. . . . . . (Unclear)
B: fraction
A:. . . . . .
B: louder!
A: (anxious) 60 2 points short of Well
B: hey, it seems we have a problem learning.
A: Yes, (holding B's hand), let us work together.
B: common progress
A: do learning pair of lovebirds
B: life with branches
A: body with phoenix Shuangfei Yan
B: minds think alike
A: (feeling wrong) that endure to it?
第3个回答  2010-05-05
B for students with identification, a look of anguish came to power)
B: Zala?
A.: Examination Bai!
B: did not test good?
A: (sad) ah and misfortunes teacher wicked.
B: (surprised) wicked?
A: Yes. Take math for instance, such an important exam, you have kept the topics, simply a bit ah! Her roving of the appetite, I will not do pick up, which from time to time, and I deliberately difficult it? A big red lanterns hung, and more unsightly ah!
B: too ugly, their classes seriously the point.
A: (quickly) Do not worry, this is not so, there too!
B: There are what?
A: Teachers are not made? That of writing more when using idioms, score only higher?
B: (nodding head) on ah, this is true.
A: But the language examinations of the fuss is Travels to write, I use a lot of idioms, but my teacher took me light up the score all deductions
B: 啥 writing, speaking, listening.
A: Well, you have to decide for me, ah! "Weekend, Mom and Dad made a point of playing we went to the zoo ......"
B: This article Well, at the beginning chose this topic to continue
A: "As a rule we like to eat sweet potato porridge morning. Sold out today because the sweet potatoes, my mother had to cut some of their rope to a good impression of taro. Did not think those kinds of taro on the balcony to eat well, the family may suffer consequences are greedy .. ...."
B: (stunned) that what with what you?
A: There are too! "Out the door I was Xuniangbanlao mother dolled herself up to the gods is also a first wives can not see. Fledgling head quickly to turn over Muhouerguan father, wearing a suit after the handsome two-pronged was tragic, Jifeigoutiao to make people tremble. mere copycat love beautiful sister is a tiger a dog to dress up Yanguangsishe, arrogantly wearing new high heels. we are birds of a feather sitting prime vehicle Whitehorse quickly to the zoo, many visitors to panic unexpectedly, has caused our family being separated from wives and children everywhere father spared no efforts in broadcasting,
Finally, I found almost Renzeizuofu and Yurenbushu sister. Kunshouyoudou, we mantis arm when the car against all the odds to benefit the people pushed monkeys fence, fish in the family portrait shot Zhang forced smile. . . . . . "
B: Come, come, do not read on you this composition, and would like to score it!
A: The (sad) even you say that?
B: how can I let you use idioms, school seriously on the floor it!
A: (grievance form) I am serious in class, I carefully to every word and action I remember the same table. Remember that mathematics can be, the teacher asked: "Statistics is a very useful knowledge, we learn statistics, what is the objective we ah?" I'm at the same table, saying: "No cavities!" I vaguely remember that there are cursed the teacher on duty does not erase the blackboard, at the same table, said: "causer of pollution responsible governance!"
B: The class is listening to the teacher, who ordered you to pay attention to your table with the words and deeds?
A:. . . . . .
B: Having said that, the language of your results?
A: The horse stumbles, the people have missed Offices
B: Enough talk, sort of?
A:. . . . . . (Unclear)
B: fraction
A:. . . . . .
B: louder!
A: (anxious) 60 2 points short of Well
B: hey, it seems we have a problem learning.
A: Yes, (holding B's hand), let us work together.
B: common progress
A: do learning pair of lovebirds
B: life with branches
A: body with phoenix Shuangfei Yan
B: minds think alike
A: (feeling wrong) that endure to it?
A:I am不行了,晕~
第4个回答  2010-05-04