

第1个回答  2016-12-10
• why...... Why not save my sister? If you're so reasoning...... My sister is not should be easily solved? The...... Why. Why. (LAM)
• 人力是不可以逆转时间的……勉强去做的话,就会受到惩罚(哀)
• human is can not reverse time...... Reluctant to do so, they will be punished (LAM)
• 迷信科学的愚蠢人类……不觉得是报应吗?(哀)
• scientific stupid human...... Do not think that is retribution? (LAM)
• 不过如果我像玛丽那样在断头台上像露水一般消失……它会像她的爱犬一样,随后投河追随我吗?(哀)
• if I like Marie on the guillotine like dew disappear...... It will be like her dog, then threw to follow me? (LAM)
• 你不是说过……不要逃避自己的命运……你会……保护我的吧?(哀)
• don't you said...... Don't escape your fate...... You will...... Protect me? (LAM)
灰原哀:旗鼓相当的对手一较高下. [395 怪屋大冒险(机关篇)]
diamond cut diamond.