any of the other 和 any other 的区别

Moon is nearer to the Earth than ____________________.
答案是 any of the other stars ,
为什么不是 any other star?

第1个回答  2010-06-03
any of the other 和 any other 关键看the the表示除此之外的 月亮是所有星星中离地球最近的 是除了它之外最近的 所以用the other 其实可以先把any other star中的other去掉再看 好像就简单多了

好长时间的英语题了 记得很清楚是初中时候的 当时还问了老师 应该是这样如果没记错的话...本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-06-15
any of the other +名词复数 = any other +名词单数
Have you been to any of the other cities?
=Have you been to any other city?
any of + the + n表示主语不在此名词范围内。
any other + 名词,表示主语在此范围内,但不与此范围内比较。
China is larger than any of the countries in Africa.(中国不在非洲)(any other country也对)
China is larger than any other country in Asia.(中国在亚洲)这里不能省略other,否则,中国就可能跟自己比了,那就不对了)(any of the other countries也对)
He is taller than any of the students in Class 2.
He is taller than any other student in his class.