My Favorite Subject的英语作文怎么写


MY favourite subject
English is my favourite subject as I find it quite interesting and useful. By learning English ,I not only learn the languge itself ,but also learn different cultures of other countries.I enjoyed the lessons that my teachers taught me how to spell the words ,how to express requests in English and so on by playing lots of games,which brought me great funs.With such a deep interest in English ,I always catch every chance to learn English .Without doubt ,I perform well in every English classas.What's more ,I would watch movies in English ,listen to English songs and even try reading English magazines and novels in my spare time.So it is obvious that I love English best!
my favorite subject is english ,i always feel excited when i have an english lesson.i listen to english teacher carefully .take notes in class.and review them after class. i am good at english i do well in each english exam.i think english is a useful language . it is the most widely used language in the world. nowadays.we should learn english well in order to communicate with i become more and more interested in it.
英语写作要求有一定量的词汇,没有词汇就好比巧妇无米难以下厨.写作时可能出现要写的词记不起来、要用的词拿不准、尤其是遇到同义词、更不知用哪一个好、或词性没记住,结果乱用……. 这都说明平时对单词的记忆不够牢固,理解不清.这就要求我们在记单词的时候多花点力气,要从单词的音、形、义入手,最好不要单独记忆单词,这样容易遗忘,要把它放在句子或文章中一起记忆,这样可把握单词的词义、用法、搭配等词汇特点.除了课本上的词汇必须掌握外,还要进行广泛的课外阅读,来增加词汇.
1. S +V
2. S+V+O
3. S+V+O+O
4. S+V+P
5. S+V+O+C
1. 审题
2. 列题纲
3. 起草稿
4. 修改
5. 校阅
修改后的文章要认真抄写一遍.誊写时要注意:标题写在第一行的中央,除介词,连词、冠词外,标题中每一个实词都应大写.标题除了疑问句或感叹句外,标题不加标点,即使是一个完整的句子,也不加句号;注意段落首缩进3-4个字母;书写要工整,规范,卷面要整洁,词与词之间要有2-3个字母的间隔 ;抄写完之后,一定要检查一遍.校阅要逐字逐段进行,注意检查语法错误,拼写错误、标点和大小写等方面的错误.花两分钟检查一遍,往往能增强文章的效果、提高考试成绩.好
第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-29
My favorite subject

  Do you like math ? Yes, I like math best. I like to read the numbers . I think it can give me many happy. When I do the math , I am very excited. It is easy to finish it. So it donesn’t spend me so much. But I like to do the difficult problems. When I finish the difficult one, I am very happy. Sometimes I sing and dance. I really like math. And you ?
  What subject do you like best? I like English. I want to travel around the world when I grow up. So I must study English well. My teacher always says it is very important to learn English well. And learning English is very interesting. It makes me happy. We can know about the things in other countries. It is better for me to travel.
  I think Chinese is my favorite subject. Everyone can speak Chinese in China. But maybe you can’t get good grades. It looks easy. But it is a little difficult. My Chinese is good. I like to write the dairy evry day. I like the story books. And I like to read. When I stay in bed, I always read the book. I think it is funny to read. And I think it can help me improve my Chinese.
Do you think so ?Please tell me.
  I like Chinese best. I think it is very important for me to learn Chinese well. Because I want to be a reportor when I grow up. So I will write the articles to the magzines and newspaper. So I have to learn Chinese well. And I want to write the stories . I like writing. I want to be a writer. So I must study Chinese now. How about you?
  My favoritor subject is English. I think English is very important . And most people in the world can speak English. If you go to France, and you can’t speak French, you can speak English. Most people in France can speak French. So it is very important to learn English well. Everyone should learn English well.
第2个回答  2020-04-17
My favorite subject
Do you like math ? Yes, I like math best. I like to read the numbers . I think it can give me many happy. When I do the math , I am very excited. It is easy to finish it. So it donesn’t spend me so much. But I like to do the difficult problems. When I finish the difficult one, I am very happy. Sometimes I sing and dance. I really like math. And you ?
What subject do you like best? I like English. I want to travel around the world when I grow up. So I must study English well. My teacher always says it is very important to learn English well. And learning English is very interesting. It makes me happy. We can know about the things in other countries. It is better for me to travel.
I think Chinese is my favorite subject. Everyone can speak Chinese in China. But maybe you can’t get good grades. It looks easy. But it is a little difficult. My Chinese is good. I like to write the dairy evry day. I like the story books. And I like to read. When I stay in bed