


    ache for 想念, 渴望

  He ached for her friendship. 他渴望和她交朋友。

  All winter I have been aching for sunshine. 整个冬季我都在盼望晴朗的天气。

    aches and pains周身不适/各种病痛

  It seems to ease all the aches and pains of a hectic and tiring day. 繁忙劳碌了一天所带来的周身酸痛似乎被一扫而空。

  She asked after the aches and pains of all the old people. 她询问了所有老人的各种病痛.


    backache 背疼

    toothache 牙疼

    headache 头疼(可以引申为 “令人麻烦的事)

    heartache 心疼,(可以引申为 “伤心”)

    stomach ache 胃疼

第1个回答  2014-09-09
Headache Toothache. Stomachache追答


ache for 想念, 渴望

  He ached for her friendship. 他渴望和她交朋友。
  All winter I have been aching for sunshine. 整个冬季我都在盼望晴朗的天气。

aches and pains周身不适/各种病痛

  It seems to ease all the aches and pains of a hectic and tiring day. 繁忙劳碌了一天所带来的周身酸痛似乎被一扫而空。
  She asked afterthe aches and pains of all the old people. 她询问了所有老人的各种病痛.


backache 背疼

toothache 牙疼

headache 头疼(可以引申为 “令人麻烦的事)

heartache 心疼,(可以引申为 “伤心”)

stomach ache 胃疼

ache for 想念, 渴望

  He ached for her friendship. 他渴望和她交朋友。
  All winter I have been aching for sunshine. 整个冬季我都在盼望晴朗的天气。

aches and pains周身不适/各种病痛

  It seems to ease all the aches and pains of a hectic and tiring day. 繁忙劳碌了一天所带来的周身酸痛似乎被一扫而空。
  She asked afterthe aches and pains of all the old people. 她询问了所有老人的各种病痛.


backache 背疼

toothache 牙疼

headache 头疼(可以引申为 “令人麻烦的事)

heartache 心疼,(可以引申为 “伤心”)

stomach ache 胃疼