

胡说八道英语的口语:none talk nonsense/rubbish; speak nonsense; twaddle。

none talk nonsense造句:

1、He was so drunk that he started to talk nonsense all night long. (他喝醉了,整晚都在胡言乱语。)

2、 My little brother loves to talk nonsense, he often says silly things just for fun. (我弟弟喜欢说胡话,常常为了好玩而说一些傻话。)

3、Sally didn't make any sense when she talked about the science project, it was all nonsense. (莎莉谈论科学项目的时候没有说任何有意义的话,全是胡言乱语。)

4、The politician kept talking nonsense during the interview, making himself sound foolish. (这位政治家在采访中不停地说胡话,让自己显得很愚蠢。)

5、It was clear that the salesman was talking nonsense when he tried to convince us to buy his product. (这位销售员试图说服我们购买产品的时候,明显就在说胡话。)

speak nonsense造句:

1、 Don't speak nonsense, we need solid evidence to support your claim. (不要胡说八道,我们需要确凿的证据来支持你的说法。)

2、 She was so nervous during the interview that she started to speak
nonsense in front of the panel. (她在面试时非常紧张,以至于在面对面试官时说了一些胡言乱语。)

3、He always speaks nonsense after a few beers, it's hard to take him seriously. (他喝了几杯啤酒之后总是说一些胡话,很难让人认真对待他。)

4、Please stop speaking nonsense, we need to focus on finding a solution to the problem. (请停止胡言乱语,我们需要集中精力找到解决问题的办法。)

5、 The professor wouldn't tolerate students speaking nonsense in his
class, he always expects well-prepared answers.
