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第1个回答  2010-05-21
Clearing Credit Card Debt

Clearing Credit Card Debt

On average we carry up to 3 credit cards and typically run a balance on each card i.e. we don't pay off the card fully. As each card has its own interest rates this can result in some very big charges every month. Of course this is exactly what the credit card companies like but of course you are the one suffering, or at least your bank balance is!So, every month you get your credit card statement and wonder how you can get the balance back down to zero. Of course you pay off some of the debt but for some reason it never seems to get any lower. Sound familiar?Here's what generally happens: The credit card companies give you an introductory interest rate and then over time the interest rate goes back to the normal rate. The companies then increase the rates every year or two and each hike in interest rate adds precious £'s to your balance each month. This is how these guys make money. Of course the larger the amount of money the more interest you pay. And, then you have store cards which carry even higher interest rates. These can be at 3-5% more than your normal credit card.

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