有道翻译官 itranslate 哪个好


是一款流氓软件,免费让你用7天左右,然后直接开启自动续费,就算你卸载依然会付费,2个月60元的(Pro版) 你需要从 itunes store 中取消订阅,对于普通用户来说这是很繁琐的,翻译如何我就不说了,你试试吧 就那么回事儿,把心思用在付费陷阱上,这个流氓软件当之无愧的霸主,建议你别用。 有道很方便,手写 语音同在 比较舒服。
第1个回答  2017-10-16
第2个回答  2019-02-18
This app is a big liar; Sue!

1)试用版 体验很差:随便翻译一个词、一个短句,用时超过3分钟!而且大多时候不会反馈翻译结果!
3)本人体验了交费35元版(被自动扣费):和试用版一样,不能下载离线文件;点击链接都会回到收费界面;循环不能下载你需要的;同时 继续“随便翻译一个词、一个短句,用时超过3分钟!而且大多时候不会反馈翻译结果!”

1) The trial version experience is poor: just translate a word, a short sentence, and take more than 3 minutes!
And most of the time will not feedback the translation results!
2) Payment Trap (Trial version is not good to use, we will generally experience the official version, the app of various experience links will point to the fee layout, misleading everyone click on the charge, at this time click "Continue", will be feedback after 7th to start the charge, such as confirmation, that after 7th, no matter how you experience, whether you delete the app , as long as the automatic payment exists, it will automatically deduct fees)

3) I experienced a fee of 35RMB (automatically charged): As with the trial version, can not download offline files, click on the link will return to the fee interface, the cycle can not download what you need, while continuing to "casually translate a word, a short sentence, time more than 3 minutes And most of the time will not feedback the translation results! ”
第3个回答  2018-03-03
第4个回答  2019-09-12

直接卸载是没有用的! 卸载了重新下回来,点进这个软件的设置里,有订阅管理,进去后别看优惠续订免费试用7天什么的的,滑到最下面点管理订阅,会跳转到iTunes Store的取消订阅页面,在最下面点取消,就不会继续扣费了。