at a time和atoncetime是什么意思?


at times,at a time,at one time,at the time的区别和用法
解答:at times:
The tide is, at times, very high. 潮水有时涨得很高。 I like Bob but he's very annoying at times. 我喜欢鲍勃,但是他有时也很烦人。 The tide is at times very high. 潮水有时涨得很高。 She calls on me at times. 她有时来看我。
at a time
作“一次,每次”讲,常用于“数词+at a time”的结构中。例如:
Enter two at a time.
He checked them off one at a time as they came in.
注意它与at one time 的区别。at one time一般指“过去某一时期,曾一度(once)”或“同时”的意思。如表示“同时”,则两者可通用。例如:
At one time I used to like her, but not any more.
我曾一度很喜欢他,现在可不喜欢了。 at the time:
(1) 那时 then [例句]
In 1969 the first men landed on the moon--I was twelve at the time. 一九六九年人类第一次登上月球——那时我十二岁。
第1个回答  2013-10-11
at a time 作“一次,每次”讲,常用于“数词+at a time”的结构中。at one time一般指“过去某一时期,曾一度(once)”或“同时”的意思。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-10-11
at a time 每次,一次
at once time 曾经