

I hadn't seen him until two years ago.
It was not until two years ago that I had seen him.
英语常用的强调结构是:It is (was) + 被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+ who (that)‥‥。一般来说,被强调部分指人时用who,指物时用that(但that亦可指人)。如原句为:
John wore his best suit to the dance last night. 约翰昨晚穿着他最好的一套衣服去参加舞会。
It was John who (that) wore his best suit to the dance last night. 是约翰昨晚穿着他最好的一套衣服去参加舞会。(强调主语)
It was his best suit (that) John wore to the dance last night. 约翰昨晚是穿着他最好的一套衣服去参加舞会的。(强调宾语)
It was last night (that) John wore his best suit to the dance. 约翰是昨晚穿着他最好的一套衣服去参加舞会的。(强调状语last night)
It was to the dance that John wore his best suit last night. 约翰昨晚穿着他最好的一套衣服是去参加舞会的。(强调状语to the dance)
[注] 强调结构强调状语时只可用that从句。
It was because I wanted to buy a dictionary that I went to town yesterday. 我昨晚是由于想买一本字典而进城的。(强调because从句)
It is only when you nearly lose someone that you become fully conscious of how much you value them. 只有当你差点失掉一个人时,你才会充分意识到你是多么珍视他。(强调only when引导的从句,如果不用强调句,把only when引导的从句放在句首,句子要用倒装句)
It must be your mother who you are thinking of. 你在想的一定是你的母亲。(who常代之以that,在正式文体中亦可用whom)
It was a doctor that he eventually became. 他最后成了一名医生。(表语一般不可用作被强调部分)
It’s dark green that we’ve painted the kitchen. 我们把厨房漆成了深绿色。
It is not I who am angry. 发怒的不是我。(皆用现在时)
It was my two sisters who knew her best. 是我的两个姐妹最了解她。(皆用过去时)
It will not be you who will have to take the blame for this. 对此须受责难的将不是你。(皆用将来时)
It was Miss Williams that enjoyed reading novels as a pastime. 是威廉斯小姐以读小说来消遣。
It was these very novels that Miss Williams enjoyed reading as a pastime. 威廉斯小姐作为消遣所读的就是这些小说。
It was the President himself spoke to me. 是总统亲自和我谈了话。(省去从句的主语who)
It was the dog I gave the water to. 我是给那条狗水的。(省去从句的宾语that)
It was yesterday I first noticed it. 我是昨天开始注意到的。(省去连词that)
有时还可以省去句首的it is,如:
A good, honest trade you’re learning, Sir Peter! 彼得爵士,你学的是一种很好而诚实的一行啊!
Now was it that his life was done, and the fate which he could not escape was upon him. 就在这时,他的生命完结了,他所逃不脱的命运降临了。
第1个回答  2016-12-31

I hadn't seen him until two years ago.


It was not until two years ago that  I had seen him.

(回答系原创,没有复制,如有雷同,那是因为本题只有一个正确答案,事实上我复制了自己的答案进行搜索,除了这条提问找不到任何一致的搜索结果。此外,本题要作答必须借助提问的补充,这和高质量问答的标准相悖,也就是说这题本来就不应该出现在高质量问答中。 若管理员对我的回答不满意,请直接回收这条提问,不要让它再出现在高质量问答中。再次强调,我的答案不是复制。)

第2个回答  2015-11-13
I hadn't seen him until two years ago.
It's two years ago that I saw him.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2015-11-13
It’s until two years ago that I hadn't seen him.追答


第4个回答  2015-11-13
It was until two years ago that I hadn't seen him.