

第1个回答  2013-12-03
Currently, there have been no definite legal explanations regarding the qualification of being a shareholder as mentioned in the said regulation, resultantly, quite a number of problems have arisen when enforcing the law. Additionally, different understandings exist among many scholars towards this particular rule.

Basing himself on the theory of equity of a company with limited liabilities, the author makes reference to the definition of equity, and analyzes the relationship between being a company's shareholder and the equity his owns, and further explores the issue of equity inheritance. By looking into the current situations of legislations in China, as well as legal measures taken abroad, the author finally comes up with suggestions aiming at improving the inheritance practices of equity of a company with limited liabilities.

一个难点词汇是股权。股权有很多意思和理解。可以理解为stock ownership, share ownership, owners rights等等。在这里我选择了equity这个单词。柯林斯高阶双解对equity的解释是In finance, your equity is the sum of your assets, for example the value of your house, once your debts have been subtracted from it.换句话说,股东持有的公司的净资产,就叫做equity。而我们理解的股权,作为股东所拥有的权益,最终不就是公司的净资产吗。
第2个回答  2013-12-03
At present, there is no clear legal interpretation for the “Shareholder qualification” specified in that provision, and therefore that law article will encounter different problems in practice, in addition there are different understading among scholars for this provision. In this paper, starting from the basic theory of the equity of a limited liability company, the concept of equity is described, and the relationship between shareholder qualification and equity is analyzed, the issues associated with equity inheritance are further understood, and the current status of legislation in China and the legislative measures abroad are explored. Finally, the suggestions for perfecting the equity inheritance of limited liability company are proposed追问



A limited liability company has a dual nature with humanity and capitalization, and its humanity nature determines the equity inheritance of it being a topic that is worth exploring. Although the law expressly stipulates that the "Shareholder qualification" may be inherited, but, at present, the provisions are too abstract and not specific enough. Such issues as how to explain "Shareholder qualification" , what the inheritance procedure likes have not clear laws for guidance, resulting in a number of realistic problems, such as multiple successors, successors being no capacity ones for civil acts, and so on.
