

第1个回答  2010-04-26
The South American southern plantation economy is the formation of society and civilization is an important component of a social system represents the evolution of the United States. Plantations, economic prosperity, gave birth to the prosperity of slavery. A large number of slave trafficking from Africa to North America, making the slave trade had become the most profitable economic form. Because these phenomena, resulting in the tragic living conditions of black slaves, the slave plantation to live pigs and dogs than in life. In this paper, a lot of historical information, the purpose is to restore the living conditions were miserable slaves, slave owners in order to restore the economic interests of the extremely cruel exploitation of the slaves of persecution the fact that analysis was a black slave in which living conditions, and the subject of concern . Black British colonial period and thus have a more comprehensive and profound understanding.
The second paragraph:
In 2001, the grand introduction of a company from Korea called the "Legend" online game, from making online games in China has entered a rapid development era. From the grand virtue of "Legend" a dominant, to blossom everywhere in today's online games, online games industry in China has maintained a high profit and high growth, even in the background of world economic crisis, China's online game industry is still an average of 80% profit fortunes, but the online game industry professionals are in the process of rapid development has gradually shown the lack of short supply. This article from the Chinese online game industry, analysis of the current situation of lack of talent, combined with senior members of the online games industry interviews, analysis of the Lack of qualified personnel, and the corresponding solutions.
Chapter One online game in China in recent years, several major mobile talent show phenomenon, combined with relevant literature is talent in China online game industry background and significance of mobility research. Chapter II of the online games industry, talent and described the relationship between the online games industry professionals and show the current high mobility phenomenon. The third chapter on China's online game industry, environment and unique online games business enterprise architecture analysis expounded China's online game industry, the reasons for the high mobility of personnel. Chapter personnel according to the Chinese online game presented reasons for the high mobility of the corresponding solutions.
China's online game industry through flow of talent, the promotion of healthy Chinese online games industry, sustainable development, industrial restructuring in China has great significance.