

ζ°失心控η | ζ°噬心控η Zeta ° mind control eta | zeta ° eats heart accused of eta 陪你上演地久天长ゞ | 陪你上演地老天荒ゞ Accompany you on forever ゞ | to accompany you on the end of time ゞ  你当我是浮夸吧つ |  夸张只因我很怕つ You when I was a flamboyant つ | because I'm afraid つ exaggerated |▍:我很坏// | |▍:我知道// | ▍ : I'm so bad / / | | ▍ : I know / / ゛撕心裂肺の殇 | ゛割心断肠の痛 ゛ tore heart crack lung wounds の | heartbroken の ゛ cut heart pain 念念不忘及不到你的痛° | 隐隐作痛思不到你的念° Not forget for a moment and less than your pain ° | read ° ache steadily less than you think 你要的花开不败丶 | 我要的沧海桑田丶 You want flower unbeaten, | I want things change, 绿帽3/4 | 红唇1/2 The green hat 3/4 | red lip 1/2 身边是你的陪伴﹌ | 眼里是你的宠溺﹌ Side is your company ﹌ | eyes is you spoil ﹌ 伱婼卟棃〃 | 硪箯卟荠〃 You Chuo lindsey 棃 line | I Bian lindsey wil" 我还在隐隐作痛 | 你还是无动于衷 I'm still aching | you still unconcerned 朝阳丶残缺的暧昧﹌ | 夕阳丶残缺的纠缠﹌ Chaoyang, incomplete ambiguous ﹌ | the sunset, the imperfect of the entanglement of ﹌ 走走走走到天荒和地老■ | 盼盼盼盼到海枯和石烂■ For a walk for a walk to the days shortage and old s |, hope, hope to the Dead Sea and stone rotten bustard 做不到却一直勉强 | 做得到却一直依赖 Couldn't have been barely | do have rely on 你的微笑好美 | 我的甜蜜你给 Your smile was beautiful | I sweet to you 贱男人.# | 笨女人的曾经.# Base man. # | silly woman once. # 这女人、、、我的! | 这男人、、、我的! This woman,,,, to me! | this man,,,, to me! 曾经拥有绝世难忘的爱 | 现在希望灰飞烟灭的情 Once had a rare unforgettable love | I would now like to ashes '左手画出的音符、 | '右手写出的音调、 'left hand draw notes, |' right hand written notes, 你不该试探我的温柔、 | 我不该试探你的温柔、 You shouldn't test my gentle, | I shouldn't tempt your tenderness, 丶回忆可回不可忆 | 丶回忆可忆不可回 Memories, memories can not have | back, but have not back 小姐,请给我一瓶敌敌畏 | 先生,请给我一瓶安眠药 Miss, please give me a bottle of dichlorvos | Sir, please give me a bottle of sleeping pills 时光带走我们的过去// | 时光带走我们的回忆// Time take away our past / / | time take away our memories / / 俞铃杰     ‰ | 俞贝贝     ‰ ‰ | YuLing jie yu beibei per thousand 我是韦小宝∑ | 你是小贵子∈ I am wei little treasure ∑ | small expensive son ∈ you are |▍娇女的霸夫 | |▍霸男的娇妻 | ▍ charming a girl bully, | | ▍ bully man wife 捣蛋鬼 | 倒霉鬼 Rascal | bad ass 伪男子. | 伪女子. False man. | fake woman.追问




第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-26

    眼成海却未蓝 La mer n'est pas l'oeil bleu

    泪翻涌着眼眸 Des larmes dans les yeux de retournement

      [ 长情。 ][le long de sentiments.]

       [ 久伴。 ][longtemps avec.]

    毕竟深情不及久伴 Après tout, pas longtemps avec affection

    毕竟你爱的人是她 Après tout, tu es tombé amoureux d'elle




给我中文 最后四个是情侣

我与少女 Moi et la fille
我与少年Je suis avec de jeunes


莫忘 莫失


莫忘 N'oublie pas
莫失 Perdre


