疑问词加动词不定式到底可以干什么啊 请详细说明 满意者加分


“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”的用法归纳 一、疑问代词who, what, which等和疑问副词when, where, how等后面跟不定式,构成不定式短语。这种结构在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语等句子成分。如: 1. Where to go is still a question. 到哪里去还是个问题。(作主语) 2. I know where to find the boy. 我知道到哪里能找到这个男孩。(作动词know的宾语) 3. We must first solve the problem of whom to serve. 我们必须首先解决为谁服务的问题。(作介词of的宾语) 4. The question is how to learn English well. 问题是怎样学好英语。(作表语) 5. I asked her how to learn English. 我问她如何学英语。(用宾语) 二、“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”结构经常用在某些动词后作宾语,类似的动词有:tell, show, know, learn, teach, find out, forget, wonder, remember等。如: I’ll show you how to do it. 我要让你看看如何做这件事。 You’d better find out where to put it. 你最好弄清楚要把它放在哪里。 三、“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”这种结构可以把复合句转为简单句。如: I don’t know what I’ll do next. = I don’t know what to do next. The doctor told him when he should take the medicine. =The doctor told him when to take the medicine. 同样,因为“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”这种结构相当于一个名词性从句,所以可用同等成分的从句代替,从而把简单句转换为复合句。改写时只需在疑问词后加上适当的主语,并把不定式改为适当的形式的谓语即可。如: Li Ping doesn’t know why to learn English. = Li Ping doesn’t know why he should learn English. Which to choose is important. = Which we should choose is important. The question is where to go. = The question is where we should go. 四、“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”这种结构可构成独立问句。如: What to do? 怎么办? How to get rid of the trouble? 如何摆脱困境? 以上内容为中小学英语站( www.zxxyyz.com )收集整理