

Drug trafficking and drug taking is now becoming one of the most serious problems all over the world. In China, the amount of teen-agers who are involved in narcotic drug crime is in an escalating trend, and with a great variation of amplitude year by year. In the long term, drug-related crimes, especially happened on young boys and girls, will get to a higher degree. Here in this article,

current situation, characteristic, and detriment to the society on drug crime will be analyzed from the view of social work. What’s more, the root causes of teen-agers fall into drug crime will be discussed from the aspects of individual, family, school, and society. The most important thing is that we hope we can make the boys and girls come back to society and have a normal life they should own ultimately by the methods of social work.

one of the most serious problems (少了个social,social problem)
especially happened on young boys and girls(on改among吧)
青少年犯罪有个术语 juvenile delinquenc
This article analyzes the status quo,feature and hazard of juvenile delinquency from the view of social work,discusses the cause of it from the aspects of individual,family,school and the society .this article also step in juvenile delinquency with the method of social work so as to get them away from drugs and come back to society
第1个回答  2010-04-23
我在金山词霸上查了一查,是这样的:Drug trafficking, drug abuse is a major social problem in today's world. Our evidence shows that young people on drug-related crime rally, and have increased more in the long run, the 21st century, particularly young people, our drug crime drug-related crimes will be more severe, this article from the perspective of the social work the status of juvenile delinquency, characteristics, hazards, discusses the issue of youth drug abuse to individuals, families, schools, social and other reasons, and use the methods of social work intervention of juvenile delinquency, to help young drug addicts, socialized, from drug quagmire.