

Dear in English is pronounced as [dɪə(r)] in British English and [dɪr] in American English. The word "dear" has multiple meanings:
1. It can refer to a loved one, a romantic partner, or something cherished.
2. As an adjective, it means beloved, expensive, or precious.
3. The comparative form of "dear" is "dearer," and the superlative form is "dearest."
Here are some collocations and phrases using "dear":
1. "Dear in love with sb" means to be deeply in love with someone.
2. "Dear on" can mean passionate about, skilled in, aiming at, or shooting at something.
3. "Dear to" implies that something is valuable or dear to someone's heart.
4. "Dear to all" suggests that everyone feels a close connection or fondness.
The word "dear" is often used to indicate something is valuable or expensive due to its scarcity. It can also be used to address someone affectionately in letters or as a way to express closeness or politeness. In British English, using "my dear" can sound more affectionate, while in American English, using "my" before "dear" can be more formal.
Here are some example sentences using "dear":
1. "Will you try to forgive me, my dearest, as I forgave you?" - 亲爱的,你能试着原谅我,就像我原谅你一样吗?
2. "He is my dearest friend." - 他是我最亲爱的朋友。
3. "He is a dear friend of my father's." - 他是我父亲的一个亲密朋友。
4. "They interred their dear comrade in the arms." - 他们把亲爱的战友埋葬在怀抱中。
5. "Dear Julia, I hope you're feeling better now." - 亲爱的朱莉娅,我希望你现在感觉好点了。