




    There will be a wonderful basketball match in this evening 

    I can't fly a plane, but I can fly kites.

    Please try to finish the work in 30 minutes

    I tried to open the window, but I didn't success

     It is dangerous for us to play with wild animal.

    Help me with my math, you're too good

    Remember to bring your homework to school tomorrow

    I remember that I have seen her somewhere 

     How did you prepare for the exam?

    By learning with friends

    We are able to fly the plane in ten years later. 

    Hundreds of people take part in the sports meeting


第1个回答  2014-01-08
1, there will be an exciting basketball game
2 I can not fly a plane, but can fly a kite
3 Try to finish the job in 30 minutes, please
4 I tried to open the window, but it was useless
5 playing with wild animals are dangerous to us
6 You're too good to help me to learn math
7. Remember to bring homework tomorrow
8 I remember seen you somewhere
9 --- how did you prepare for the exam?
--- by learning together with friends
10 Ten years later we will ableto fly the plane
11 There are hundreds of people participate in the Games
第2个回答  2014-01-08
1, tonight there will be an exciting basketball match
2 I will not fly but I can fly a kite
3 please try to finish the work in 30 minutes
4 I tried to open the window, but without success
The 5 of us, and wild animal play is dangerous
6 help me with my math, you're too good
7 remember to bring your homework to school tomorrow
8 I remember seen you somewhere
9.--- how do you prepare for the exam?
By learning with friends
10 ten years later we will open the plane (able)
11 hundreds of people take part in the sports meeting(有错误❌,请多多包含。)
第3个回答  2014-01-08
1、今天晚上将会有一场精彩的篮球赛There will be a wonderful basketball match in the evening 2.我不会开飞机但我会放风筝I can't fly but I can fly a kite
3.请尽量在30分钟内完成这项工作Please try to finish the work in 30 minutes
4.我试着打开窗户,可没有成功I tried to open the window, but without success 5.对我们来说,与野生动物一起玩是危险的For us, it is dangerous to play with wild animals
6.帮我学习数学,你真是太好了It's very kind of you to help me with my math
7.记得明天把家庭作业带来Remember to bring your homework tomorrow
8.我记得在某个地方见过你I remember seen you somewhere
9.---你是怎么为考试做准备的?How did you prepare for the exam?
---通过和朋友们一起学习 By learning together with friends
10.十年后我们就会开飞机了(able)We are able to fly a plane 11.有数百人参加运动会There are hundreds of people to participate in the Games
第4个回答  2014-01-08
There will be an exciting basketball competition tonight.
Though I can't drive plane, I can fly kites.
Please try to complete this work in 30 minutes.
I tried to open the window, but all in vain.
第5个回答  2014-01-08
1, tonight there will be an exciting basketball match2 I will not fly but I can fly a kite3 please try to finish the work in 30 minutes4 I tried to open the window, but without successThe 5 of us, and wild animal play is dangerous6 help me with my math, you're too good7 remember to bring your homework to school tomorrow8 I remember seen you somewhere9.--- how do you prepare for the exam? -- by learning with friends10 ten years later we will open the plane (able) 11 hundreds of people take part in the sports meeting【采纳】