要快!谁能帮忙翻译通俗的话剧剧本 荆轲刺秦王 很短的!













荆轲:"喂,你这家伙. 转身对秦王:不好意思,这小孩回家看动画片了.
























翻译成英文的 只用翻译台词 地址改了 到这里http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/142289599.html

(Middle-wei Qin sat grim expression)
Guards: report ~~~~~ envoys of Yan Jing Ke, Qin Wu Yang Wang audience ~~~~~( then stood side)
Wang: Xuan (B soldiers searched in front of palace, from the Qin Dynasty found on towels, cups, lunch boxes, toothbrushes and other items)
Qin: These are the necessities of life, I am far away from home, left them, life would be in trouble, most recently Xianyang prices rose again to buy so many things I spent a lot of money, which I
There is money to buy tickets to see Warrior ah!
Jing: less wordy! Proper business to bear! (B to be closed military map, Qin Hold)
Qin: (tone Jiaochen) not touch, which is dedicated to the Crown Prince Dan of Yan King of the map, we have to presented to King, and Get out of your dirty hand open, hate! (Passage on stage) (see Qin king, frightened
Startled expression, the hands of maps fall, Qin wondering)
Jing: The child is not seen what the various aspects of society, yesterday and still wanted to see the king shouted, how embarrassing to see you here again
Qin (for the audience, his face was disgusting to the expression): I have heard that the King of Qin is the second F4 another girl after the killer F5, today, a view, is really more than frogs also dinosaurs, than the dinosaurs also frogs ah, (transfer
While the King of Qin, sorry to laugh) to see the handsome guy will inevitably be soft, forgive me, forgive me
Jing Ke Qin right: "The situation is not good I Xianpao, and brothers do well."
Jing Ke: "Hey, are you this guy. Turned to the King of Qin: I beg your pardon, this child home to see a cartoon.
Qin: Adam is not send text messages that you helicopters, 5 minutes to do? How do you play for three months?
Jing Ke: Do you think there are still people would open helicopter do?
Qin: Oh, I see! Then I'll ask you a question good
Jing Ke: say!
Qin: If you and the bear race who you want to run fast?
Jing Ke: I am!
Qin: bear, wild beasts will call! Did not think you're better than animals but also animals!
Guards: But King of mercy, you have a new opportunity to choose!
Jing Ke: Bear!
Qin: did not expect that you will not even animals do not like!
Qin: But see you are so pathetic, the last to give you one more chance!
Jing Ke: as fast!
Qin: I have not thought of you and your animals a kind!

Jing Ke: You, you, you ... ...
Qin: Are you What is it you, you, you tall, 呀 you!
Wang: (puzzled) Are you (for Jing) If a person stops making things (Jing Qin took over from the map, walked)
Jing: King See, this is the Yan State 15 cities are bustling place, in order to enable people from the war, Prince Edward is willing to submit to this form the heart of King: (King gaze Jing) Yan Wang seemed to provoke a war to blame Guaren ?
Jing: Shu-Chen Yu, see if there is no war, peace and harmony relatives are reunited lovers can Chengjuan Zhu, turn hostility into harmony, would not Miya?
Wang: Guaren It is precisely this intention, if 10000 people as one, no heresy, then peace and prosperity is drawing near, Men Suddenly in Black's life Zhiqiu a unified world, why should they arrest section too?
Jing: King unwilling to say that the armistice it?
Wang: You Jizhi my heart, why do you ask? (Wang continues to open map)
Jing: (Map opens quickly picked up the dagger) said: "Then I would send you here on the Western Paradise bar. (Open play)
Guards: King carefully (direct hit the pole)!
(Qin took the opportunity to be a long sword lay in body neck Jing Ke.)
Qin: Ha ha ha ... ...
Jing Ke: Xi Yishui Han Feng Xiaoxiao, Xi warrior no longer has to go also ... ...
(Scene fixed grid)
Voice-over: The next day, Crown Prince Dan of Yan Jing Ke was killed in a message ... ...
Scroll erected.
第1个回答  2010-03-16
Guards: report ~~~~~ envoys of Yan Jing Ke, Qin Wu Yang audience ~~~~~

ei Qin center sit, face cold)

Guards: report ~~~~~ envoys of Yan Jing Ke, Qin Wu Yang Wang audience ~~~~~( then stood side)

Wang: Xuan (B soldiers searched in front of palace, from the Qin Dynasty found on towels, cups, lunch boxes, toothbrushes and other items)

Qin: These are the necessities of life, I am far away from home, left them, life would be in trouble, most recently Xianyang prices rose again to buy so many things I spent a lot of money, which I

There is money to buy tickets to see Warrior ah!

Jing: less wordy! Proper business to bear! (B to be closed military map, Qin Hold)

Qin: (tone Jiaochen) not allowed to touch, which is dedicated to the Crown Prince Dan of Yan King of the map, we have to presented to King, and Get out of your dirty hand open, hate! (Passage on stage) (see Qin king, frightened

Startled expression, the hands of maps fall, Qin wondering)

Jing: The child is not seen what the various aspects of society, yesterday and still wanted to see the king shouted, how embarrassing to see you here again


Qin (for the audience, his face was disgusting to the expression): I have heard that the King of Qin is the second F4 another girl after the killer F5, today, a view, is really more than frogs also dinosaurs, than the dinosaurs also frogs ah, (transfer

While the King of Qin, sorry to laugh) to see the handsome guy will inevitably be soft, forgive me, forgive me

Jing Ke Qin right: "The situation is not good I Xianpao, and brothers do well."

Jing Ke: "Hey, are you this guy. Turned to the King of Qin: I beg your pardon, this child home to see a cartoon.

Qin: Adam is not send text messages that you helicopters, 5 minutes to do? How do you play for three months?

  Jing Ke: Do you think there are still people would open helicopter do?

  Qin: Oh, I see! Then I'll ask you a question good


  Jing Ke: say!

  Qin: If you and the bear race who you want to run fast?

  Jing Ke: I am!

  Qin: bear, wild beasts will call! Did not think you're better than animals but also animals!

  Guards: But King of mercy, you have a new opportunity to choose!

  Jing Ke: Bear!

  Qin: did not expect that you will not even animals do not like!

  Qin: But see you are so pathetic, the last to give you one more chance!

  Jing Ke: as fast!

  Qin: I have not thought of you and your animals a kind!


  Jing Ke: You, you, you ... ...

  Qin: Are you What is it you, you, you tall, 呀 you!

  Wang: (puzzled) Are you (for Jing) If a person stops making things (Jing Qin took over from the map, walked)

Jing: King See, this is the Yan State 15 cities are bustling place, in order to enable people from the war, Prince Edward is willing to submit to this form the heart of King: (King gaze Jing) Yan Wang seems to provoke a war to blame Guaren ?

Jing: Shu-Chen Yu, see if there is no war, peace and harmony relatives are reunited lovers can Chengjuan Zhu, turn hostility into harmony and Yoshiya it not?

Wang: Guaren It is precisely this intention, if 10000 people as one, no heresy, then peace and prosperity is drawing near, Men Suddenly in Black's life Zhiqiu a unified world, why should they arrest section too?

Jing: King unwilling to say that the armistice it?

Wang: You Jizhi my heart, why do you ask? (Wang continues to open map)

Jing: (Map opens quickly picked up the dagger) said: "Then I would send you here on the Western Paradise bar. (Open play)

Guards: King carefully (direct hit the pole)!

  (Qin took the opportunity to be a long sword lay in body neck Jing Ke.)

  Qin: Ha ha ha ... ...

  Jing Ke: Xi Yishui Han Feng Xiaoxiao, Xi warrior no longer has to go also ... ...

  (Scene fixed grid)

  Voice-over: The next day, Crown Prince Dan of Yan Jing Ke was killed in a message ... ...
第2个回答  2010-03-25
第3个回答  2010-03-25
第4个回答  2010-03-25
南无观世音菩萨 南无观世音菩萨 南无观世音菩萨