

这道题我会,我可以帮忙解答哦😁,先给大家总结一下 in contrast和on the contrary 的区别:

    "In contrast" 表示对比中的相对立之处,强调事物之间的差异;"on the contrary" 表示与前面所说的相反情况,强调事物之间的对立或反差。根据所要表达的内容和对比关系,选择合适的表达方式。

在通过一个表格来了解一下 in contrast和on the contrary 吧😎:

欧克,最后再来一波 in contrast和on the contrary 的具体区别🤞:

a) 用途:

in contrast: 用于表达两个或多个不同事物之间的对比,强调它们之间的差异。

Example 1: The weather in New York is cold in winter, in contrast to the warm climate of Miami. (纽约冬天的天气很冷,与迈阿密温暖的气候形成鲜明对比。)

Example 2: In contrast to his sister, who enjoys sports, John prefers reading books. (与喜欢运动的姐姐相比,约翰更喜欢阅读书籍。)

on the contrary: 用于表示与之前提到的观点、情况或假设相反的情况。

Example 1: I thought the movie would be boring, but on the contrary, it was quite entertaining. (我原以为这部电影会很无聊,但实际上恰恰相反,它非常有趣。)

Example 2: She believed he was rich, but on the contrary, he had very little money. (她认为他很富有,但实际上正好相反,他一点也不富裕。)

b) 结构:

in contrast: 常常用来引出一个对比的事物或情况,并连接到后面的描述。

Example 1: Cats are generally independent animals; in contrast, dogs are known for their loyalty to their owners. (猫通常是独立的动物;相比之下,狗以对主人的忠诚而闻名。)

Example 2: In contrast to traditional teaching methods, the new approach focuses on student-centered learning. (与传统的教学方法不同,这种新方法专注于以学生为中心的学习。)

on the contrary: 通常用于否定先前提到的情况或观点,并表达相反的观点。

Example 1: He thought the exam would be easy; on the contrary, it was one of the most difficult exams he ever took. (他认为考试会很容易,但恰恰相反,这是他参加过的最难的考试之一。)

Example 2: Many people believed the project would fail, but on the contrary, it turned out to be a great success. (很多人认为这个项目会失败,但事实正好相反,它取得了巨大的成功。)

c) 偏向性:

in contrast: 通常较为客观,仅陈述不同之处。

Example 1: The two siblings have quite different personalities. Mary is outgoing, while her brother is shy. (不同之处: 这两个兄弟姐妹的性格截然不同。玛丽外向,而她的弟弟很害羞。)

Example 2: The company's first-quarter revenue increased, in contrast to its competitor, which experienced a decline. (不同之处: 公司第一季度的收入增加了,而竞争对手的收入却出现了下降。)

on the contrary: 带有更强烈的否定和对立色彩,强调截然相反的情况。

Example 1: Everyone expected the team to win the championship, but on the contrary, they lost in the first round. (每个人都预期这个团队会赢得冠军,但恰恰相反,他们在第一轮就输了。)

Example 2: She was told the dress was expensive, but on the contrary, it was surprisingly affordable. (有人告诉她这件衣服很贵,但实际上正好相反,它非常实惠。)

d) 上下文:

in contrast: 更常见于学术、专业领域或较正式的写作中。

Example 1: The study compared the behavior of different animal species in contrast to their natural habitats. (该研究将不同动物物种的行为与它们的自然栖息地进行了对比。)

Example 2: The report highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of various energy sources in contrast to renewable energy alternatives. (报告对各种能源来源与可再生能源的优劣进行了对比。)

on the contrary: 通常用于日常口语和书面语中。

Example 1: He expected her to be upset, but on the contrary, she took the news quite calmly. (他预料她会很沮丧,但恰恰相反,她对这个消息相当冷静。)

Example 2: Mark thought the task would be easy, but on the contrary, it proved to be much more challenging than he had anticipated. (马克认为这项任务会很容易,但实际上恰恰相反,它比他预期的要具有挑战性得多。)
