翻译英语句子 你打算何时去澳大利亚?我下周三去 在线等 快快快快快快快


1. When are you going to go to Australia? I am going to on next Wednesday.
2. When is Jim going to go to Beijing? He is going to go on the 11th.
3. What are they going to do in holidays? They intend to climb the mountain.
4. What are you going to do in your holiday? I am going to see my grandmother.
5. What does Mary going to do in her holiday? She is going to go hiking.
第1个回答  2010-04-06
When are you going to Australia? I'll go next week.

when does Jim going to BEIJING? He intends to go to Beijing on 11th.

what are they going to do on holiday? They are going to climb mountain.

what are you going to do on holiday? I'm going to visit my grandmama.

what is Mary going to do ? she intends to go hiking.
第2个回答  2010-04-06
1. When are you going to go to Australia? I go next Wednesday
2. Jim when he intends to go to Beijing? He intends to go to 11
3. They leave going to do? They plan to go mountain climbing
4. You holidays going to do? I intend to visit my grandmother I
5. Mary holiday going to do? She planned to go hiking