英语作文 关于互联网手机的弊与利


What are the pros and cons of having cell phones on school campus?
Most students agree that cell phone usage in school should be allowed. Some argue that cell phone usage should not be allowed at school. Over 60 percent of students agree that cell phone usage should be allowed on school property. While the other half disagrees that students should not bring cell phones to school. What do you think are the pros and cons of cell phones on school campus?
Cell phone usage on school campus may help students in the classroom because students in the 21st century revolve around technology.One of the main pros for cell phone usage on campus is in case of emergencies and able to be reached easily. For example if there was a death in your family and your parents wanted you to know right away they can contact you. Another pro is that your cell phone can be used for educational reasons. For example a calculator, taking notes, etc.
Cell phone usage on school campus can also be a con because of cheating and distractions. One distraction is by ringing while class is in session with an inappropriate song. Another con could be students cheating on a test or quiz by using the internet on the phone. Which in the end might cause you to fail that certain class. So to prevent this from happening some students say they should not be allowed.
I agree with both points of view. I believe students should be allowed to have cell phones because you will need them in case of emergencies. For example there have been a lot of shootings in schools. If that happened in my school I could call the authorities and my parents. I also believe students should not be allowed to have cell phones because of distractions. That’s why I believe it should and should not be allowed on campus.
Overall it’s a good idea for having cell phones on campus. It will keep students safer and keep school work fun. It could also cause distractions and affect students academics.
第1个回答  2014-03-21
网络的利与弊。。英语作文 Internet is an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities, etc. At present, most of people can use computer for working, chatting, playing game, watching the movie and picture, and searching anything by clicking on Internet. Internet is useful assistant for leading you to another world which amazing thing. I think Internet has advantage and disadvantage. Advantage of Internet is that you can do anything that you want on Internet when it was connected to independent world such as download data, programs, game, picture etc. But Internet has risk to receive spy ware, it attempts to disable or delete anti-spy ware tool and suppress warning massages given to users, it damages your data or system in your computer. Moreover, you have risk to find the bad persons when chat in chat room especially women. You can found the crime news on the newspapers. The news said they have many victim from chatting with unknown people by the victim were believed implicitly. In conclusion, many people still use Internet because it is useful and comfortable. Inernet has been an important part in our life.With the help of Inernet we can develop the effective of our study or job. For example , we can learn more knowledge about the world from the Inernet.And as the youngs in 21st centery,the skill of using the Internet has been the most necessary point for us.But there are risks in it.A lot of youngners lost themselves in the data world and can not catch up with others in study.They'd like to be the best in the games instead of in hard-working.In my own point,I think Internet has more advantages than disadvantages. People should make the most use of it so that it can been useful not harmful.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2014-03-20
弊:not tame,利:增长知识