

Dear Sir or Madam(先生或女士)。


1、We are writing to??(我们写信是为了)

2、I am contacting you for the following reason...(我找你是出于以下原因)

3、 I recently read/heard about ..... and would like to know ....(我最近听到了有关??我想知道??)

4、 Having seen your advertisement in ..., I would like to ...(在??看见了你们的广告,我想要??)

5、 I would be interested in (obtaining / receiving) ...(我可能会对??感兴趣)

6、I received your address from ? and would like to ...(我从??那里获得了你的联系方式,并且我希望??)



1、Thank you for your letter of March 15.(感谢你3月15日的来信)

2、Thank you for contacting us.(感谢你联系我们)

3、In reply to your request, ...(为了回应你??的请求)

4、With reference to our telephone conversation yesterday...(根据我们昨天的电话会议??)

5、 Further to our meeting last week ...(就我们上周的会议??)

6、It was a pleasure meeting you in London last month.(上个月很高兴能与你在伦敦会面)

7、 I enjoyed having lunch with you last week in Tokyo.(我很享受上周与你在东京共进午餐)

8、 I would just like to confirm the main points we discussed on Tuesday.(我只希望能确认下我们周二讨论过的几个关键点)
