
1895年4月,41岁的歇洛克·福尔摩斯和助手约翰·H·华生在圣路加学院旁边的旅馆里对英国早期的宪章做研究,圣路加学院的导师兼讲师希尔顿·索姆兹来旅馆向福尔摩斯求救,原想拒绝的福尔摩斯对索姆兹的案情陈述产生了兴趣:索姆兹说这是一件关于学院名声的不能外传的大事!明天是学院希腊文的考试,将会给得高分的学生发一大笔奖学金,而当天下午三点试卷被印刷完之后,索姆兹正在校对试卷的内容。到四点半还没有校对完成,他的朋友邀请他去喝茶,他便去了,并且锁好了门。半小时多一点之后,钥匙插在了被打开的门上,试卷被翻了一番!这栋楼住着三个大学生:一楼有吉尔克里斯特、二楼有道拉特·芮斯、三楼有迈尔兹·麦克拉伦。谁是作案者?[1] 如果清样卷成一卷,人们可能不会知道那是什么东西。另一方面,假设有一个人竟敢擅自进屋,并且恰巧碰上桌子上有试卷,这种巧合是很难想象的。谁相信或许有一个人会在青天白日之下,在对面屋子里众人的注视下破窗而入吗?不,这样的想法是荒谬的。一个过路的人要有多高才能往里看到桌子上有试卷?福尔摩斯有六英尺高,费点劲可以看到试卷。低于六英尺的人是看不到的。所以,三个学生里有一个比一般人高,他便是最可能做这件事的人。后来索姆兹谈到吉尔克利斯特是个跳远运动员,这时福尔摩斯明白了全部经过:吉尔克里斯特下午在运动场练习跳远。他回来的时候,带着他的跳鞋。跳鞋底上有几个尖钉。他路过窗口的时候,由于他个子很高,看见桌子上的清样,他猜出了那是试卷。要是他经过你的屋门,没有看见有把钥匙忘在门上,就不会有什么坏事了。突然的冲动使他进到屋里,看看那是否是清样。这并不是冒险的行动,因为他完全可以装作进来是想要问个问题。当他看清那确是清样的时候,他抵制不住诱惑了。他把鞋放到桌子上。在靠近窗口的椅子上,他把手套放在椅子上,然后他拿起清样一张一张地抄写。他以为这位导师一定从院子大门回来,这样他可以看得见。可是索姆兹先生是从旁门回来的。他突然听到导师的脚步声已到屋门口。已经没有办法跑掉了。于是他抓起跳鞋立即窜到卧室里,但是忘了他的手套。你们看到桌面上的划痕一头很轻,可是对着卧室的一头渐渐加深。划痕本身就足以说明是朝着卧室的方向抓起跳鞋的。这个犯法的人就躲在卧室里。鞋钉上的泥土留在桌子上,另一块掉在卧室内。

In 1895 April, at the age of 41, Sherlock Holmes and his assistant John H Wahson next to St. Luke's College of hotel of the early British charter to do research, St. Luke's College Tutor and lecturer Hilton Somz to the hotel to Holmes for help, original want to refuse Holmes on Suomuzi case statements generated interest: Suomuzi said this is one thing about the school reputation not rumor event! Tomorrow is a school of Greek exam, will give students a lot of scholarship, and the afternoon three test papers were printed after, Suomuzi is proofread papers content. By four thirty yet proofread completed, his friend invited him to tea, he went, and locked the door. After a little more than half an hour, the key is inserted in the open door, the papers were doubled! The building housed three students: one floor of a Gil Crist, two floor, third floor as Mcclaren with Daulat Ries. Who is the murderer? [1] if the proof on a roll, people may not know what that is. On the other hand, if someone dares to bump into the house without authorization, and the papers on the desk, the coincidence is hard to imagine. Who believe that a person may be in fine day, and watched the window across the room? No, the idea is absurd. A passer-by must have high ability to see my papers on the desk? Holmes is six feet tall, point can see the papers. Below the six foot man can't see it. So, one out of three students is higher than average person, he is the man to do it. Later Suomuzi about Gil Krest is a long jumper, then Holmes understood after all: Gil Crist afternoon in the sports field practicing the long jump. When he came back, with his Tiaoxie. Jumping shoes bottom has several spikes. He pass by the window of time, because he is very tall, see the table of proof, he guessed that exam. If he passes you the door, saw no left my keys in the door, will not have what bad thing. All of a sudden impulse to make him into the room, have a look whether it is clean. This is not the action adventure, because he can pretend to come in to ask a question. When he saw that it was indeed the final proof of the time, he could not resist the temptation. He put the shoes on the table. Near the window seat, he put the gloves on the chair, then he picked up a piece of a copy of proof. He thought that the teacher must from the yard door to come back, so he can see. But Mr. Suomuzi returned from the side. Suddenly he heard the tutor's footsteps to the door of the house. There's no way to escape. Then he caught jump shoes immediately channeling into the bedroom, but forgot his gloves. You see the desktop scratches a very light, but a head bedroom gradually. Nick speaks for itself is towards the bedroom direction grabbed the dancing shoes. The criminal is hiding in the bedroom. Spike on the dirt at the desk, another block away in the bedroom.