
有没有专业人士或对此竞赛有研究的大人们,能不能帮帮忙。 我是广州市天河区龙口西的一个六年级小学生,我想要历届智力竞赛的题型、归纳和相关资料。 谁可以帮帮我。 如果写的好,追加60分!

班级( )姓名( )成绩( )

1. Look at the picture! A=0,B=9,C=6,D=

2. Grandpa:You give me three empty(空的)bottles(瓶子),and I'll give you a bottle of orange(桔汁).
Dad :Give you twenty bottles of orange,Tom.
Tom :I drink(喝)all these bottles of orange,and give the bottles to Grandpa.Then he gives me some bottles of orange.How many bottles of orange do I drink in all(一共)? ________________

3.Which one of them will fill the gap(缺口)?________________

4. The word SEASON is written in code (代码) as 135146. What's the code of word NOSE?

5. Look at the picture! Each of the brothers has a sister. Altogether, how many kids are there in the family?

6. Each cube is a view of the same cube (每个方块为同一个方块的五个不同角度的图示). What are the two missing numbers? a= 。b=

7.Which number should replace(代替)the question mark?

8. Look at the picture below.

Which one comes next in the above sequence(上面一组图形)?


9.In what order must you choose them?(按什么顺序拿开它们)

10. A triangle is partitioned(分割) into three triangles and a quadrilateral(四边形) by drawing two lines from vertices(顶点) to their opposite sides(对边). The areas(面积) of the three triangles are 3, 7 and 7, as shown. What is the area of the shaded quadrilateral(涂阴影的四边形)?

11、 In a magic square(幻方) the sum of the numbers in each row, in each diagonal and in each column are equal(每行、每列、每条对角线上三个数的和都相等). In this magic square the value(数值) of x is:

12、If half of a number is 30, then three-quarters of that number is__ __。

13、The sum of the digits(数字) of the following product(乘积) is:

14、Jack was trying to tessellate regular pentagons(拼正五边形). He managed the following figure(组成下面的图形). The size of angle ‘a’is_ :_____.(角a有多少度)

15、If the area of the shaded region(阴影部分) of the regular hexagon(正六边形) in the diagram below(下图) is 36 cm2, the area of the whole hexagon is_____.

16、If you continue the given number pattern(数列), in what row (行) and in what position (位置)will the number 320 be? Row: . Position:
1 -------------- row 1
2 3 -------------- row 2
4 5 6 -------------- row 3
7 8 9 10 -------------- row 4

17、In an alien language(古老的语言), jalez borg farn means “good maths skills”. Nurf klar borg means “maths in harmony” and darko klar farn means “good in gold”.
What is “harmony gold” in this language?

18. Which letter should appear(出现) in the final medal(奖牌)?

19、Five children, Amelia, Bongani, Charles, Devine and Edwina, were in the
classroom when one of them broke a window. The teacher asked each of them to make a statement about the event, knowing that three of them always lie and two always tell the truth. Their statements were as follows:
Amelia: “Charles did not break it, nor did Devine.”
Bongani: “I didn’t break it, nor did Devine.”
Charles: “I didn’t break it, but Edwina did.”
Devine: “Amelia or Edwina broke it.”
Edwina: “Charles broke it.”
Who broke the window?

20、 Jack is four times as old as Jill, but in 20 years time he will only be twice as old as Jill. How old are Jack and Jill now? Jack: , Jill: .

(2).30. 提示:三个空瓶换一瓶果汁表示瓶子里的果汁等于两个空瓶的价值。
(5).5. 提示:每个哥哥都有一个妹妹,说明妹妹是最小的一个。
(7).97. 提示:11*6-7=59,9*11-7=92,8*13-7=97.
(10).18. 提示:将图形如图分割,a:(b+7)=3:7,且b=a+3,得3+7为4份。

(11).12. 提示:三阶幻方中两个邻边之和等于对角的两倍。即6+x=9*2.
(13).54. 提示:乘积为555554444445,乘积的数字和为54.

(17).Dark Nurf. 提示:古语的语序与英语相反。
(18). F。提示:英语序数词第四的开头字母是F。
(19). Charles. 提示:A(F),B(T),C(F),D(F),E(T).
(20).40.10. 提示:如图可见原来的2倍等于20.
第1个回答  2010-04-01