independence day节日的由来。



美国共有50个州、1个华盛顿特区,幅员辽阔,地形复杂。东部的大西洋沿岸多为平原丘陵,森林资源丰富,湖泊众多,重要的城市有华盛顿、洛杉机、旧金山、费城、迈阿密、中部的大平原是重要的农牧区,6400公里长的密西西比河纵贯南北,重要的城市有亚特兰大、芝加哥、 休斯顿以及新奥尔良等。在大平原的西部大山区,有著名的科罗拉多大峡谷和黄石国家公园;靠太平洋的西海岸地区有风光绮旎、阳光灿烂的加里福尼亚州,旧金山和洛杉机就在这里,西岸的重要城市还有西雅图。在北部近加拿大边界附近,有著名的五大湖游览区,其中最壮观的景点是尼亚加拉达瀑布。此外,位于美国西面太平洋上的夏威夷群岛也是全球闻名的火山岛,已开发成风景优美的度假胜地。

第1个回答  2014-01-02
第2个回答  2014-01-02
The Context of Declaration of Independence

At one time, the American colonies belonged to the King of England. The king had taken a lot of the Americans’ money for taxes. He would not let them buy and sell things with other countries. He made the people pay for food and clothes to give his soldiers. The king even said that his soldiers could live in the homes of the American colonists.
Many colonists had to give up their own beds or the beds of their children.There could be little protests because the judges and government officials were appointed
and paid by the king.

Many people in America were tired of all the problems with the English king, so their leaders or delegates met to decide what to do. These leaders were rich plantation owners, business men, and ordinary citizens such as Samuel Adams. After the first meeting,a list of pleas were sent to the king, but he refused to make changes. The American leaders decided that they wanted to be independent, or free, from the king. At their next meeting, they chose Thomas Jefferson and some other men to write a paper to tell the world about how they wanted to be free to make their own decisions in their own nation.The colonists’ leaders voted to accept what Jefferson had written and signed their names
on the paper.

John Hancock, the presiding delegate, or leading man, at both meetings was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. The story is that Hancock made his signature big and bold because he wanted the king to be able to read it without the aid of eyeglasses. Hancock’s signature became so famous that even today when someone asks for a person’s signature, he or she sometimes says, “Put your John Hancock there.”

After the other delegates signed the Declaration, copies were made so that all the people could read it. The Declaration said that all men were created equal and that God gives all people important things like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration also listed the reasons why the American people were mad at the king. Lastly,the Declaration said that the people were starting their own country called the UnitedStates of America.

All of the fifty-six men who signed the Declaration of Independence knew that the king would not let them be free without a fight. Many of them would be hurt or killed
in the fighting. They knew that if the king’s soldiers won, all who signed would go to jail or maybe even be hanged. Nine of these men died because of the fighting. Twelve of
them had their homes destroyed. These men and the other Americans fought hard and won the war against the king’s soldiers. Now every year on the 4th of July, we remember
the Declaration of Independence and the brave men who fought so that we could be free.
第3个回答  2014-01-02
津巴布韦 (Zimbabwe,又译为辛巴威),全名津巴布韦共和国,是一位于非洲南部的内陆国家。
独立日: 4月18日(1980年)
货币:津巴布韦元 Zimbabwe Dollar ZIM.$ ZWD 1ZWD=100 cents(分)
