

大学英语、College English,中国文化概论、Brief Introduction to Chinese Culture,鲁迅研究、Lu Hsun Studies,中国古代戏曲欣赏、Chinese Ancient Opera Appreciation,
外国文学史、Foreign Literature History,美学、Aesthetics,文艺心理学、Literature Psychology,法律基础、Legal Basis,基础写作、Basic Writing演讲学、Speech Science中国近代文学史、Modern Chinese Literature History,中国现代文学史、Contemporary Chinese Literature History,中国古代文学史、Chinese Ancient Literature History,新闻采访与写作、News Gathering and Writing 影视文学及习作、Movies and TV Literature and Writing Exercises,新时期小说流派、Novel Schools in New Period,秘书学 Secretarial science
第1个回答  2008-11-22
College English, Introduction to Chinese culture, Lu Xun, the ancient Chinese opera appreciation,外国文学史, aesthetic, cultural psychology, legal basis, basic writing, speaking, the modern Chinese literary history, the history of modern Chinese literature, Chinese古代文学史, News interview with writing, film and literary exercise, in the new era novel genre, secretarial
第2个回答  2008-11-22
College English(大学英语),Outline of China Culture(中国文化概论),Lu Xun Research(鲁迅研究), Appreciate of Ancient China Opera(中国古代戏曲欣赏),Foreign Literaty History(外国文学史),Aeshetics(美学),Psychology of Art and Cultural(文艺心理学), Basics of Laws(法律基础),Basic Writing(基础写作),Public Speading(演讲学),Hisotory of Chinese Modern Literature(中国近代文学史),Hisotory of Chinese Current Literature(中国现代文学史),Hisotory of Chinese Ancient Literature(中国古代文学史),News Reporting and Writing(新闻采访与写作),Film Literary and Practise(影视文学及习作),The School of New Period Novel(新时期小说流派),Secretarial Science(秘书学)