

  Code Geass--- Sleeping Beauty
  很久很久以前,这里有一座城堡。根据久远的传说,城堡中沉睡着一位美丽的公主。 我们的故事就此开始......
  Chapter 1
  曾经有一个王国。 王国的国王相当英明,百姓在王国愉快和平静地居住着。 一天,国王的第一个孩子来了到这个世界。 然而,他从未预料到公主将背负什么样的命运……
  A&B&C: 尊敬的国王,作为我们给她的生日礼物,请让我们给予他祝福.
  A:我祝福 她将拥有迷人的外表。
  B:我祝福 她将拥有超群的智慧。
  D:可恶的国王,你竟然不邀请本宫,这是蔑视,本宫很生气,后果很严重。我诅咒,她将在十六岁那年的成人礼上碰到了一个面具 之后死去!哦呵呵呵呵呵~~~~~
  王后(倒在国王怀里 带哭腔地):不…………
  C:我的陛下,看来为了公主的生命,我不得不放弃初衷了。我祝福 公主不会因面具而死 但是会陷入无尽的长眠 直到命定之人出现并吻了她的面具 才能真正拯救她
  国王(舒了一口气):是么 太感谢了 现在 女士们 请帮助我把我的妻子态回寝室好吗 她实在是太重了
  A&B&C(齐声):好的 我的陛下
  Chapter 2
  国王:各位朋友 各位来宾 今天是我女儿十六岁的生日 同时也是她的成人礼 我们要欢庆整夜 不醉不归
  (国王下 下的时候掉出一个面具)
  公主的生日宴会直到凌晨 宾客们才渐渐散去 而公主却因为过于兴奋而睡不着觉 于是便走出了卧室 在城堡中散步
  王后(倒在国王怀里 带哭腔地):不…………
  国王(语气悲痛):哦不 我的女儿 你怎么了 你怎么了 该死的魔女 该死的诅咒 (气急败坏)来人 把公主抬去她的卧室 保护起来 把王后抬去静养 快点快点 我快撑不住了
  Chapter 3
  勇者A(作眺望状):这就是那座传说中的城堡吗?我就要成为进入城堡的第一位勇士了, Wakakakakakaka (突然失声)啊……………………
  Chapter 4
  王子(自言自语):只要进入那座城堡,就可以见到那位传说中的公主了吧.听说那位公主美貌无双 真是好期待啊
  Final Chapter
  (公主躺在地上 王子上)
  随着王子的吻 公主幽幽醒转
  (公主做起 背对观众)
  王子:啊 美丽的公主 我终于从魔女的诅咒下救出你了 我能看一看你面具下的绝美容颜吗
  (王子摘下面具 愣住了)
  王子(站起 满脸愤慨的仰视天空 大吼)混账仙女 我鄙视你的审美观
  从此 王子和公主幸福的生活在了一起
第1个回答  2008-11-25

A long time ago and far away there lived a King and Queen .They was very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born.


KING: We must have a grand christening for her,
QUEEN: We must invite all the fairies of the kingdom to bless her,

First fairies :She shall be beautiful,
Second fairies :She shall be kind
DARK: wait
DARK: Why wasn’t I invited to me?
THIRD FAIRIES: Why, it's Dark figure

DARK: Well, quite a glittering. I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation.

KING: You weren't wanted.

DARK: Oh, dear, I will give a gift on the child. Listen well, all of you. The princess shall indeed
grow in grace and beauty. But...before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday...she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel...and die.
QUEEN: Oh, no!

Third fairies: “Don’t worried. There is still my gift for little princess, The fairy’s curse cannot be undone, but I can change it a little. She will fall into a deep sleep that will last one hundred years,"
The following day the King issued a proclamation, ordering that all spinning wheels and spindles were to be destroyed. Throughout the land there were great fires as the spinning wheels were burned.

Meanwhile, her parents had arrived back at the palace.

KING:Has anyone seen the Princess? Today is her sixteenth birthday-the day when the curse may fall. Somebody must know where she is

QUEEN: She must be found. If the prophecy is to come true, today is the day.(焦急)

(Meanwhile, the Princess had reached the top of the tower where there was another door. This time there was no key and the door was slightly open. )

Princess :"There must be a wonderful view of the rest of the palace and grounds from the window, ".

Princess :"What are you doing? I have never seen one of those before, what is it?"

Dark: "It is a spinning wheel. Would you like to try it my dear?

Princess : "Oh. May I?"
Dark:: ”Yes, please.”

At that moment, all over the place, people began to asleep. The entire palace fell asleep, along with the Princess.

A hundred years passed and the tale of the Sleeping Beauty, as the Princess was known, becomes a great legend. Very few people believed she existed. A Prince who knows that then he try to save the Rose Princess.

PRINCE: "I shall try. We have heard of Sleeping Beauty in my kingdom."
First fairies: Wait, Prince. The road to true love may be barred by still many more dangers .
Second fairies: So arm thyself with this enchanted shield of virtue... and this mighty sword of truth.
for these weapons of righteousness will triumph over evil.

Dark: A forest of thorns shall be his tomb...borne through the skies on a fog of doom! Now go with a curse
and serve me well. 'Round Stefan's castle cast my spell.

Prince: No! It cannot be! Now, sword of truth, fly swift and sure...that evil die and good endure!
Dark : Ehhh-- Oh, oh, uh—
Prince: "She is so lovely. How can I wake her?"
First fairies: ”Now you can kiss her and she will wake up”

第2个回答  2008-11-22