

she has hot day gun now fan pen eye ear ewe map one old two due dud six did cud fir fly fit cat few don hen dayetc fat cut cue yes eat ten ebb ago ear egg ash awe far awl beebet bid eve big dog gap dim dig fry fun bin

ace, add, ado, ago, aha, air, all, and, apt, are, ask, ate, awe, bad, bar, bag, bat, ban, bay, bed, bet, bid,
big, bit, bin, bee, bog, but, cat, can, cap, con, cut,

one two six ten cat dog pig
big fat are was too cup sky tie tea May Jay Mon day lay fit mom die dad lip cut sex
Ben, Eva, Bob, Rob, Len, Alf, Kay, Ian, Joe, Jim, Pat, Sue, Ted, Wyn, Zoe, Amy, Tom, Pam, Fay, Kim

ant shy she him hit his her you eye dog pop zig zag wet net cop cap ant bee cat dog egg fly gel him ill jet kit lit man not one pet que raw see ten van win yet zoo are ice ear tea pie fee net sea hey win can air get wet dog sit set hit ray yet zoo lie lay but bit bad sad fan fun who six ten one two for oil ill ant tie cat run ran won can hot hat his him her son rat sit sat dig dag dug mum dad leg arm add all end mix are all and bed bad big but cap cat can cut dog egg fly fee for fan gas his her its red pig pay the pen six low key now new men yet you who was two old win tea cat car bag bat hat sat mad map cap nap sad lad dad ant rat fat big pig fig sit dig box mop not rob mom bob fox ill sir six two too beg bed met bet she,her,his,him,the,one,two,six,ten,get,fat,end,fox,egg,

第1个回答  2008-10-30
回答者: sageming

第2个回答  2008-10-30
第3个回答  2008-10-30
第4个回答  2008-10-30
第5个回答  2008-10-30
是值car, car, sex, see, saw 这些吗?