Every day he starts work at 8:00am and finishs work at 4:30pm.这句话中work 后面跟at对吗?

Every day he starts work at 8:00am and finishs work at 4:30pm.这句话中work 后面跟at对吗?还是用starts working 8:00 am?还是两种表达方式都对?
我用WORD检查:Every day he starts work at 8:00am and finishes work at 4:30pm. 和 Every day he starts working 8:00am and finishes working 4:30pm.都没有绿色下划线出现,是不是表示这两种表达方式都可以呢?

必须有at 后面那句不对
第1个回答  2008-12-14
要用at 在几点要用 at
第2个回答  2008-12-14