那可真便宜 太贵了,便宜点 我们就这个价和这衣服很适合你怎么用英文说?



那可真便宜:Good price.
太贵了,便宜点 It's too expensive. Could you give me a reduction?
我们就这个价 Sorry. We can not take anything off the price.
这衣服很适合 It suits you well.(你们是做活动吧?手指着衣服说吧。因为衣服分好多种,shirt, jacket, coat, dress等等,没看见具体的我也不能贸然决定主语。 )
第1个回答  2008-12-13
那可真便宜:That's really cheap.
太贵了,便宜点 That's too expensive. Can you make it cheaper?
我们就这个价 We can not make it any cheaper.
这衣服很适合 This dress suits you.
你这翻译得也太呆板了点吧 典型的中国英语。机器翻译的?会让人笑话的
第2个回答  2008-12-12
It can be really cheap那可真便宜
Too expensive太贵了
We are on the price of clothes 我们就这个价
this is for you这衣服很适合你

第3个回答  2008-12-12
第4个回答  2008-12-13
It can be really cheap too, cheaper price point on this, we and the clothes are suitable for you