



Your name is made up of at least two parts. Everyone has a first and a last name. How many people do you know who are named Mary or Jimmy or Tom or Joy? How could you keep them all straight if they didn't have last names?
But there was a time in England when there were no last names. Your father might have been William, and your mother, Mary, William's wife. Your name might have been Fred, son of William. What if another William moved into town? Let's say he was a tailor. He might have been called William the tailor to keep people from confusing the two Williams. The name would then have become William Taylor, and his family would have the last name Taylor. This is how family names came to being.
There are many ways in which families were named. People were named for their jobs, where they lived, or how they looked. Some people even took the names of things that they thought were beautiful. Other people took such names as Prince or King, because they admired these people. Names were also given because of the father’s name as in Anderson, Johnson, or Richardson. There were many ways that people got their last names. Can you imagine having to choose your own?