继续英语阅读翻译I had been swimming for competitions for about five years.But i was ready

to give up,becayse i felt i was horrible at it.i was often the only Chinese American at a swim conpetitions. Worst of all though,at each competiton i kept receiving"Honorable Mentions" which simply means,"Thank you for coming and showing up.You didn't even rank first,second or third,but we don't wnt you to go home with nothing."
The very day before a big swim meeting.i decided to break the news to my grandma that i was dropping out of the swim team.You have to know my grandma-she was a small woman but could run all the operation of her house without ever leaing her sofa or raising her voice.As i sat next to my grandma,i laid my head on her tiny little lap so that she could rub it.
When i told her of my wish to quit swimming,she suddenly pushed my head off her lap,sat me straight up facing her and said,"Baby,remenmber these words! A quitter never wins and a winner never quites.Your grandmother doesn't raise losers or quitters.You go to that swim meeting tomorrow,and you swim like you are a grandchild of mine,you hear?"
I was to afraid to say anything but"Yes,ma'am"
The next day i arrived at the swim meeting,and as i got on the board,I noticed the other girls with their skintight caps,goggles and speedo suits were there to do one thing-beat me.Suddenly,my grandma's words rang in my head,"Quitters never win and winners never quit."
The competition began and i was swimming harder than before.AS i drew my right arm back.I noticed i was tied with one person.


不要工具的翻译。。 要自己打字 翻译啊。。

第1个回答  2013-11-02