
"贡品纯檀卧香" 这一系列产品以进口纯檀香木粉为主要原料,经传统手工工艺精制而成。因其含有纯天然檀香木粉而倍感清新及芬芳。本香用于礼佛,可净化身心。积福成德。亦可日常使用,有清新空气,凝聚静心之功效,实属香中极品。

"Tribute pure Tan incense" this a series of products with imported pure sandalwood powder as the main raw material, the traditional manual process from refining. Because it contains pure natural sandalwood powder and feel fresh and fragrant. The incense for Buddha, can purify the mind and body. Ji Fu Cheng De. Also the daily use, has fresh air, condensation meditation effect, need is incense.